Newly appointed professors

09/16/2024 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Timo Lüke

Portrait photo of Prof. LükeImage: Timo Lücke

On September 1, Dr. Timo Lüke took over the professorship for Educational Science with a focus on inclusion-oriented diagnostics. After studying special education, he worked as a research assistant at the Universities of Potsdam and Wuppertal and as an academic advisor at TU Dortmund University. Since 2020, he has been Professor of Inclusive Education and Teaching Development at the University of Graz. His research focuses on the further development of diagnostic methods and instruments, particularly in the context of school inclusion and heterogeneous learning groups. Together with his colleagues in the new teaching unit, he would like to create an attractive offer in the new teacher training course for special needs education. In Kassel, he will deepen his work on innovative approaches to analyzing learning progressions and data-based decision-making in the school context.