Lottery procedure

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  • Lottery procedures only take place in admission-restricted (NC) study programs. 

  • Prospective students who have not yet applied for a study place can also submit a lottery application.

  • Applications by lot can be submitted for several study programs.

  • Only German citizens and EU citizens or persons with a German school or university degree can participate in the lottery procedure.

  • No confirmation of receipt will be sent.

  • A lottery procedure will only take place if there are still study places available after completion of the study place allocation procedure.

  • During the application period for the lottery procedure, it is still open whether lottery procedures will take place.

  • The lottery procedures are held shortly before the start of the semester.

  • Only the luck of the draw decides.

  • Only applicants drawn by lot will be informed.

Lottery procedure winter semester 2024

Teaching degree and Master's degree
Start: 01.08.2024
End: 15.09.2024

Bachelor's degree
1st semester:
Start: 01.10.2024
End: 06.10.2024
Higher semesters:
Start: 01.08.2024
End: 15.09.2024

Lottery procedure

Applications for the lottery procedure can only be submitted digitally via the applicant portal "eCampus".

  • Lot applications can only be submitted online and only within the application deadline .
  • Lottery procedure for a first semester: You do not have to submit any documents. Only applicants drawn by lot will receive a notification in the form of an admission. You will receive the admission notification via the application portal "eCampus".  
  • Losverfahren für ein höheres Fachsemester: When applying for a higher semester, a certificate of credittransfer  from the relevant examination office of the desired degree program must be submitted. Without crediting, no processing and therefore no participation in the lottery procedure (higher semester) will take place. Please note the separate application deadlines of the responsible examination offices. You will receive the notification of admission via the application portal "eCampus". 
  • Additional requirements, such as language skills, are not checked in the lottery procedure, but only upon enrollment .

  • For an application to the winter semester a lottery application for the "first subject semester" and/or for a "higher subject semester" is possible.

  • For an application to the summersemester  a lottery application is only possible for the "higher subject semester".

  • In the lottery procedure there are the following application statuses:
    - "received digitally" means: your lottery application has been submitted to , a lottery procedure has not yet been carried out
    - "valid" means: a lottery procedure is being carried out, your lottery application is in the lottery pot
    - "admission offer available" means: a lottery procedure has been carried out, your lottery application has been drawn

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