Language requirments: German
Sufficient German language skills are an important admission requirement for most degree programmes. If your German language skills are not quite sufficient, we offer you the opportunity to prove them before the start of the semester. Find out here which certificates are sufficient for taking up your studies or for participation in the DSH examination, a German course or the Studienkolleg (foundation course).
Accepted language certificates
The following certificates entitle you to study at the University of Kassel:
You can prove that you have sufficient language skills with one of the following school certificates:
- German-language educational qualifications from countries such as Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland
- Secondary school leaving certificate from the German-speaking community of the Kingdom of Belgium
- Secondary school leaving certificate from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- Proof of German in the French Diplôme du Baccalaueréat, which was obtained after attending a bilingual German-French branch of a secondary school
- French Diplôme du Baccalauréat with international option from the German Departments
- European Baccalaureate at European schools, if an examination in German as a first or second language (L1 or L2) has been successfully completed
- Diploma from foreign schools with German lessons leading to the mixed-language International Baccalaureate
- Polish Matura examination in German at general education lyceums with a bilingual branch of education with German as a second foreign language
- US Advanced Placement exam (AP exam) in the subject German
- Certificate of completion of a German-Irish bilingual secondary school leaving certificate at the German School Dublin, St. Kilian's
- Diplomas from schools with German as the language of instruction in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige (Italy)
- Diploma of the bilingual departments at the Liceo Ginnasio Statale "Romagnosi" in Parma and at the Liceo Classico Statale Socrate in Bari, Italy
- Certificate of completion of the international German language department at the Liceo Gimnasiale "Luigi Galvani" in Bologna, Italy
- Diploma of the international department of German language at the Liceo Classico "Guiseppe Garibaldi" in Naples, Italy
- Certificate of completion of the international department of German language at the Liceo Gimnasio Statale "M.Gioia" in Piacenza, Italy
- Diploma of the international department of German language at the "Educandato Statale Collegio Uccelis" in Udine, Italy
- Diploma of the international department of German language at the Scuola Internazionale Europea "A.Spinelli" in Turin, Italy
- Diploma of the international department of German language at the Liceo Classico Statale "Umberto I" in Palermo, Italy
- Diploma of the international department of German language at the Liceo Scienze Umane/Artistico "Giovanni Pascoli" in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Services offered by the Language Centre
If your German language skills are not yet sufficient for studying, the International Study Center (ISZ)/Language Center of the University of Kassel offers preparatory courses as well as a DSH exam (in March and September).
To participate in these courses, you must have applied for a degree program and received conditional admission from the University of Kassel.
Possible ways to study
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