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Sustainability principles for business trips at the University of Kassel

On November 20, 2023, sustainability guidelines for business trips were adopted by resolution of the Executive Board and published in February 2024.

From now on, based on the self-image of protecting nature and the environment, sustainability principles for business trips at the University of Kassel must be observed:

1) General

In the interests of sustainability, it must be checked before the start of each business trip whether it is absolutely necessary or unavoidable. In particular, it must be considered whether the business trip can be carried out in another way, e.g. by using digital communication options.

The use of rail, public transport, bicycles/e-bikes and company e-cars is generally preferable, provided this is economically justifiable. The use of a private car is only permitted in absolutely exceptional cases and in cases of special necessity and must already be justified and applied for in the business trip application.

 2) Domestic business trips and flights

Business trips within the Federal Republic of Germany are to be carried out exclusively by the means of transport listed in 1), taking into account the principles set out in 1). For the sake of sustainability, flights within Germany will not be approved and these flight costs will not be reimbursed. This does not apply to feeder flights for international, in particular intercontinental flights. Here too, however, travel by other means of transport - preferably by train - to the departure airport of the international flight is preferable and a feeder flight should only be booked in justified exceptional cases.

3) Intra-European and intercontinental business trips

The use of rail and public transport is also to be given preference for intra-European business trips and, if possible, preferred to air travel. If air travel is unavoidable, direct flights are to be preferred, provided that any additional costs incurred are in reasonable proportion to the objectives of environmental compatibility and sustainability.

 4)CO2 compensation for air travel

CO2 compensation payments for business trips by air are made directly via the State of Hesse. The costs forCO2 compensation payments for air travel by business travelers are therefore not eligible for reimbursement.