Our profile topic of sustainability

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Sustainability has always been deeply rooted in research and teaching at the University of Kassel as a profile-defining focus. Almost all departments and subject areas contribute to the sustainable development of society. As the university is also aware of its role model function for society, it is gradually developing itself within its fields of action in line with the goals it has set itself in order to be a shaper of social change.

Mission statement and structures

Sustainability mission statement

The University of Kassel aims to be a university for sustainability through its research and teaching and a sustainable university through the way in which it provides its services to society. It thus strives for long-term sustainable and equal development in ecological, economic and social terms. For this reason, research focuses and degree courses are being further developed that are geared towards sustainability issues. In addition, "scientific findings are to be implemented directly at the university - in ecological as well as social and economic terms"

The organizational structures in the area of environment and sustainability have been expanded and further developed for many years. With the Kassel Institute for Sustainability, UniKasselTransfer and the Green Office, new effective structures are now available for the core areas of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and operations in order to drive forward comprehensive sustainability development at all levels.
