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Material exchange - from a small idea to a big project

In the summer semester of 2024, the project seminar "I Go: Green: ASL Material Exchange on Campus HoPla", led by Prof. Dr. Verena Brehm (Department of Design in an Urban Context, Department of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning) and Cornelius Böttger. The aim was to create a place for the collection, processing and reuse of materials (folders, cardboard, wooden boards, Styrodur, etc.) generated during teaching at the university. In the winter semester 2024/25, the material exchange was set up under the title "Reststück". In addition, the student initiative Less:on set up so-called Re:Use material boxes decentrally in each workroom: Leftover materials from model making were stored here and made available for further use. The use of regenerative materials such as wood or clay for model making was also experimented with in order to reduce the use of Styrodur, a petroleum-based product, in the future. This location not only benefited the students in their own department, but all students at the University of Kassel who need materials for their studies. This not only raised awareness of the sustainable use of resources, but also reduced the amount of waste.
The "Reststück" materials exchange is currently located in the so-called Maker:Lab. After just two semesters, it is becoming apparent that a larger space is needed to continue the project. Operations are ensured by two student assistants who are financed by the department. Here too, a possibility for further funding is being sought. The material exchange would benefit from material donations from local companies, which could, for example, make available faulty productions, offcuts and the like. There is a need for research into the use of regenerative materials and model construction techniques that allow for damage-free disassembly and simplified reuse. The students' feedback on the project was consistently positive and confirmed its importance.
Another materials exchange is being created at the art academy in the project seminar led by Prof. Dr. Susanne Ritzmann (Department of Sustainable Product Design and Development) and Malene Saalmann: the "Wendeschleife" also aims to contribute to a change in values by reducing the ecological footprint and using resources more carefully. The students have been working on the project seminar "I Go: Green: Sustainable product design and development - materials exchange@KHK" in the winter semester 2024/25, the students sought an exchange on the "Reststück" materials exchange and then developed their own concept for the art academy: The materials are to be stored in self-made modules in the listed cupboards located in the corridor areas of the KHK. The aim is to enable the exchange of materials during the work phases of the semester with the lowest possible threshold, without having to take into account the opening hours of the premises. The variety of materials used at the School of Art currently poses a major challenge for the quality assurance and organization of the "turning loop". For this reason, awareness-raising measures for the circulation of materials at the art academy are also planned for the near future.
The project seminar I Go: Green simultaneously fulfills several aspects that are of great importance for the sustainability development of the university. It takes an integrative approach that takes into account the input and knowledge of the students as well as the expertise of the departments. As the university campus in particular offers great potential for implementing sustainability projects, it is important that ideas developed by students in their day-to-day studies are taken up. Students can also combine theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and gain their own experience within the project seminars.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Brehm
Department of Design in an Urban Context
Mail: brehm[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Prof. Dr. Susanne Ritzmann
Department of Sustainable Product Design and Development
Nadine Chrubasik
Coordinator Green Office
Mail: chrubasik[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
To the material exchange "remnant" and "reversible loop".