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9.2 million for the climate

Image: HNA, 23.07.2024

The title of the HNA article reflects the decision of the Executive Board of the University of Kassel to invest an almost 2-digit million amount in renovation measures in order to increase the energy efficiency of the building stock and thus permanently reduce energy consumption in building operations and energy costs.

"Even in times of financial pressure, we must invest in the future. With the planned refurbishment and energy efficiency measures at all university locations, we are reducing energy consumption costs and thus permanently reducing the financial burden and risks for the university. We are also making a significant contribution to reducingCO2 emissions," says Dr. Oliver Fromm, Chancellor of the University of Kassel.

You can find out which other buildings are suitable for energy-efficient refurbishment on the way to aCO2-neutral campus in the real study onCO2 optimization using the example of the existing buildings at the University of Kassel.