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“At the center of transformation” - Klaus Dörre visiting professor at the Kassel Institute
The renowned and controversial sociologist Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre will be a visiting professor at the Kassel Institute…Behind the lecture: Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun is a contributor to the online course: GeoTechE: Geotechnology Ethics
Explore ethical and social issues in geodata technologies. Learn how you can raise critical questions throughout the…Felix Krawczyk veröffentlicht Artikel zu alternativen Ansätzen negativer Emissionen
„Akzeptieren wir stillschweigend das Verständnis von negativen Emissionen als durch Märkte getriebene Megaprojekte,…11.October 2024-13.October 2024
Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun is a guest lecturer at the University of Twente and speaks on the topic of "Epistemology in remote sensing"
At the invitation of the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Prof. Andreas Braun…Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer-Lescano is co-organizer of the conference "Criticism and Reform of Law Studies"
Joint conference of the Chair of Legal Criticism at Bucerius Law School and the Department of Just Transitions under the…Just Industry Transition Partnerships - A proposal to Lin JETPs with sectoral cooperations
Stefan Lechtenböhmer moderates a side event at COP 28 in DubaiHNA article: Kassel professors at the World Climate Conference: "We can all make a contribution"
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer fills fourth core professorship at the Kassel Institute for Substainability
Stefan Lechtenböhmer has been working on the energy transition for more than 30 years and is a leading expert on the…Prof. Dr. Andra-Ioana Horcea-Milcu
Neu am Fachbereich Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften