Nature as a legal entity
What is it about?
The emergence of rights of nature has recently been observed in many legal systems around the world, and in some places there is even a global trend in this direction. The most decisive step towards rights of nature has been taken in Ecuador. According to Art. 71 para. 2 of the Constitution, rights of nature can be claimed by any person in or out of court. The project aims to investigate the changes brought about by the recognition of this new legal entity. Of particular interest is the transferability of the concept to other legal systems and the dogmatic problems, conflicts, but also opportunities that may arise.
Thesis/further detailed information
On a legal-theoretical level, the project asks how nature is represented in law and what effects this has on the theory of the (legal) person. It also looks at how natural entities gain access to the courts, i.e. how they are enabled to articulate themselves in judicial proceedings, to what extent nature gains access to international courts and how the constitutional development in Ecuador can possibly favor an opening here. The project hopes to use these questions to gain general insights into the emergence of new non-human legal entities and the significance of.
Interim result
- Viviana Morales Naranjo, The judgment on Los Cedros, Blog of the Rights of Nature Network, April 2022,
- Andreas Gutmann, The cloud forest as a legal subject: The judgment of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court in the Los Cedros case, KJ 2022, 27-41
- Andreas Gutmann, Monkeys in Their Own Right: The Estrellita Judgement of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court, Verfassungsblog, 22.2.2022,
- Elena Sofia Ewering/ Alex Valle Franco, Rights of Nature and Access to International Jurisdiction, Revista Jurídica Santo Agostinho de Sete Lagoas 7 (2021), p. 272 ff.
- Elena Sofia Ewering/ Andreas Gutmann, Fundamental rights for nature? - A consideration of the Bavarian referendum "Rights of Nature - The Referendum!", DÖV, 24/2021, p. 1118 ff.
- Andreas Fischer-Lescano / Andreas Gutmann, Nature's Day in Court. Rights of Nature and Access to Justice in Ecuador and Germany, VRÜ, 54 (2021) 3, p. 323.
- Andreas Gutmann /Viviana Morales Naranjo, Should the Absentees Have Standing? The Fundamentals that Justify Nature Accessing Justice in Germany and Ecuador, VRÜ, 54 (2021) 3, p. 331 ff.
- María José Narváez Alvarez, Naturaleza, ecosistemas y acceso a la justicia: Estudio del caso Bosque de Hambach - Alemania, VRÜ, 54 (2021) 3, p. 352 ff.
- Elena Sofia Ewering/ Tore Vetter, Invisibilizing Nature. Procedural Limits and Possibilities to Environmental Litigation in German Law, VRÜ, 54 (2021) 3, p. 376 et seq.
- Andreas Gutmann, Der globale Trend zu Rechten der Natur: Entsteht ein decoloniales und ökologisches Recht von unten?, in Adloff/Busse (eds.), Welche Rechte braucht die Natur? Ways out of the extinction of species, Campus 2021, 133
- Elena Sofia Ewering / Andreas Gutmann, Does Bavaria give nature rights?, Verfassungsblog, 10.9.2021,
- Andreas Gutmann, Hybride Rechtssubjektivität - Die Rechte der Natur oder Pacha Mama in der ecuadorianischen Verfassung von 2008 (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, Band 307), Nomos 2021.
- Viviana Morales Naranjo, La acción de protección como mecanismo idóneo para garantizar el ejercicio de los derechos de la naturaleza, in Córdova Vinueza (ed.), Las garantías jurisdiccionales en Ecuador, Quito 2021, 203-240
- Viviana Morales Naranjo, Art. 245 et seq. in Cornejo Aguilar/ Torres Manrique (ed.), Código Orgánico Integral Penal Comentado Tomo Iii, Quito, 2021, 279-392
- Viviana Morales Naranjo, Los Delitos Contra El Ambiente Y La Naturaleza, Quito, 2021 ed.
- María José Narvaez Alvarez / Escudero Soliz, Joel, Los derechos de la Naturaleza en los tribunales ecuatorianos, Iuris Dictio 20 (2021), 69-83
Funding body
Funded by:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)