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Grimm's fairy tales: Researcher discovers unknown original versions +++ With podcast
Until now, the so-called Oelenberg manuscripts were regarded as the only surviving original versions of the Grimm fairy…The university closes between the years
Once again this year, the university and its facilities will be closed from Christmas to New Year. The last day of…Hessische Hochschulen positionieren sich für weiteren Digitalpakt
Die hessischen Hochschulen formulieren in einem gemeinsamen Positionspapier Anforderungen an verbesserte…How do trees feed? New excellence project
Bare slopes, dried out woodland - the past dry summers have shown just how sensitive the nutritional system of trees is.…LOEWE center emergenCITY extended
The LOEWE center emergenCITY will continue to receive funding from the state of Hesse and will receive a total of around…Excellent teaching: two more awards go to Kassel
Structural engineering with everyday objects and work on medieval sources - Kassel academics were honored for two…How do I want to live the day after tomorrow? Toolbox for "Xtopia"
Four prizes at Startuphack 2023
The Startuphack was held for the fourth time this year. With over 40 participants and 14 teams, the event in the fall…Kassel start-up team wins first prize in "Hessen Ideen" competition
The "Larabicus - robotic cleaning fish for merchant ships" project from the University of Kassel was awarded first prize…German Enterprise Award for Development 2023 goes to Kassel start-up team
The company Autarcon was awarded the German Enterprise Award on 20.11.2023 for its commitment to development…University of Kassel and Studierendenwerk Kassel cooperate with
Initial results of the campaign against sexualized violence
A year ago, the university launched a campaign to protect against sexualized discrimination and violence under the motto…Musical Advent calendar
The Institute of Music at the University of Kassel is once again hosting a Musical Advent Calendar this year, to which…Integrating data protection intuitively into everyday digital life
How a land predator benefits from the legacy of its marine ancestors
Two biologists from Kassel have been researching the mucus of stubby-footed animals for over a decade. The latest…"Future Reasons Me - A strong start in agriculture": 30th Witzenhausen Conference
The Witzenhausen Conference, a pioneering platform for students, farmers and interested parties, is celebrating its 30th…Shaping the future: Participation process launched in Bad Wilhelmshöhe
If there was a "place for a sustainable future" in your own district, how could it be used? Which social and ecological…Dealing with the Middle East conflict: Visible appeal on the Kassel campus
The management of the University of Kassel is making a clearly visible appeal to adhere to certain standards in the…University opens laboratory for sustainability issues - public festival
The University of Kassel is opening a new location in Kassel's city center with a four-day festival starting on November…Exhibition MUT zur Zukunft
How do we conceive, design, plan, build and shape space sustainably for the future? The anniversary exhibition "MUT zur…Philosopher Luca Bertolino receives Rosenzweig Professorship in Kassel
In the current winter semester, the University of Kassel has appointed Prof. Dr. Luca Bertolino from Turin as a…Statement on the memorial service for Yousef Shaban
26 Kassel researchers on Stanford's most-cited list
In October 2023, Stanford University published its updated list of the top 2% most frequently cited scientists. The…University and art academy take part in Dokfest
This year's Dokfest (November 14 to 19) is taking place with strong participation from the university and the art…The University of Kassel has joined the "Open for Diversity" initiative
The North Hessian democracy initiative "Open for Diversity" and the University of Kassel are now working even more…Conference on urban renewal in a changing climate
The Urban Renewal Working Group at German-speaking universities is organizing a conference on urban renewal in the…Themenwoche "KI in der Lehre"
Um Künstliche Intelligenz in der Lehre geht es bei einer hochschulweiten Themenwoche vom 6. bis zum 10. November. Die…Diversity Week 2023 in Faculty 02
More money for non-European exchanges at the University of Kassel
The University of Kassel has raised over one million euros for exchanges with non-European Erasmus+ partner universities…Public series of events on sexualized violence in sport
In November and December 2023, a total of five lectures on the topic of "sexualized violence in sport" will take place…Online lecture series: Digital society - a design task
Dr. Florian Gerland and Estella Arabel Landau receive IHK Science and Promotion Award
Together with the University of Kassel, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Kassel-Marburg awarded the IHK…Lecture series: "quite extreme! Culture - Power - Language"
In cooperation with the HAWK Holzminden, the University of Kassel is organizing the lecture series "recht extrem!…Hans Rost Prize for Reinhard Lindner
The German Society for Suicide Prevention has awarded Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lindner the Hans Rost Prize 2023 for…Uni Kassel welcomes first semester students - New venue in the city center
Not only will thousands of first-year students get to know the University of Kassel in the upcoming winter semester, it…Drei Auszeichnungen für Forschende am Institut für Werkstofftechnik
Gleich drei Mal wurden in den letzten Wochen Kasseler Forschende am Institut für Werkstofftechnik ausgezeichnet.Public lecture series on challenges in ASL
The Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning (ASL) at the University of Kassel is continuing its…Anniversary exhibition on Lucius Burckhardt at the Faculty of ASL
The series of anniversary exhibitions to mark the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning -…„Intelligent Internet of Things“-Hackathon im November
Beim Start-up-Hack grüne Geschäftsideen entwickeln
Eine Herausforderung, hundert Lösungsideen: Die vierte Auflage des Start-up-Hacks fördert erneut innovative…From wood and bone to bits and bytes
Research into colonial hunting trophies from the depot of the (ethnological) museum in Witzenhausen is entering the next…DAAD-Preis geht an Yury Varlamov
Der Kasseler Masterstudent Yury Varlamov hat heute (09.10.2023) den DAAD-Preis erhalten. Mit der Auszeichnung des…Stellungnahme zum Angriff auf Israel
Mentoring für Frauen* in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft – Jetzt bewerben!
QuiS - Qualität in Studium und Lehre hessenweit
University of Kassel presents amended research data guideline
The University of Kassel has published a revised version of its "Guideline for the Handling of Research Data", which…Lebendige Diskussion mit Glas-der-Vernunft-Preisträgerin Amiri
Einen Tag vor ihrer Auszeichnung mit dem Glas der Vernunft hat die Preisträgerin Natalie Amiri an der Universität Kassel…Sieben neue Humboldt-Stipendiatinnen und -Stipendiaten an der Uni Kassel
Kassel Research Group identifies genes as causes of hereditary disease
Diphthamide deficiency syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder that severely affects the development of children and is…Neue Gastprofessorin an der Kunsthochschule
Zum Wintersemester 2023/2024 übernimmt Dr. Clémentine Deliss eine Gastprofessur an der Kunsthochschule Kassel. Mit der…Climate agreement: When denunciation works
195 countries have signed the Paris Climate Agreement. Not all of them are fulfilling their commitments. In a newly…Holger Ehrhardt honored with European Fairy Tale Award
The Kassel-based German scholar Prof. Dr. Holger Ehrhardt received the European Fairy Tale Prize 2023 yesterday…Kassel Suicide Prevention Week
cdw Stiftung übergibt neue Photovoltaikanlage an Uni Kassel
Mit einer neuen von der cdw Stiftung finanzierten Photovoltaikanlage baut die Universität Kassel ihre…Best-Paper-Award für Verkehrswissenschaftlerinnen
Alena Fischer und Franziska Henkel, Mitarbeiterinnen des Fachgebiets Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrssysteme, haben kürzlich…Deutscher Verlagspreis 2023 für Rotopol
Heisenberg-Professur für Mohamed Benyoucef
Forschungspreis des BUND für Masterarbeit
Go digital with the Deutschlandticket student upgrade
Students at the University of Kassel will be able to convert their semester ticket into a Deutschlandticket at low cost…Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023 – Wir holen alle an Bord
Die Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023 finden am 21. und 22. September im Südflügel des Kulturbahnhofs Kassel statt. Zum 16. Mal in…Outstanding Master's theses awarded the Nora Platiel Prize
Neuer multifunktionaler Tennisplatz an der Aueparkhalle
Der Allgemeine Hochschulsport der Uni Kassel eröffnet nach dreijähriger Planungs- und Bauphase den neuen…Stefan Lechtenböhmer besetzt vierte Kernprofessur des Kassel Institutes
Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer hat zum September die Professur Sustainable Technology Design im Fachbereich Maschinenbau an…Bekämpfung invasiver Arten
Eine neue Arbeitsgruppe des Netzwerks "Global Biodiversity Information Facility" (GBIF) will für bessere Zugang zu Daten…Georg Forster Research Award for Maristella Svampa
Reallabore für die Agrarwende
Wie kann praxisnahe Forschung die Agrarwende voranbringen? Darüber berieten Vertreterinnen und Vertreter einer…Designpreis der Stadt München für Ayzit Bostan
Mit dem diesjährigen Designpreis der Stadt München wird die Designerin und Künstlerin Ayzit Bostan für ihr…School competition at the University of Kassel: Plastic - irreplaceable or an environmental burden?
The Department of Plastics Technology at the University of Kassel, together with the Innovationszentrum…Larabicus develops cleaning robots for ship hulls
Florian Gerland and Thomas Schomberg from the University of Kassel and their team have received EXIST research transfer…Application deadlines extended - remaining places in the Bachelor of Social Work program
The application deadlines for studying at the University of Kassel have been extended for numerous subjects. Prospective…Tiefgarage am Holländischen Platz ab dem 04.09.2023 wieder nutzbar
Nach gut einem Jahr Bauzeit ist die Tiefgarage am Holländischen Platz ab Montag, 04.09.2023 wieder nutzbar. Die Zu- und…Zwei Dissertationspreise für Murat Sezi
Gleich zwei Auszeichnungen hat der Kasseler Anglist Dr. Murat Sezi für seine Dissertation erhalten. Nachdem er kürzlich…Five million euros for teacher training in economics
The Department of Business Education with a focus on vocational teaching and learning is raising around 5.3 million…Bauministerin Geywitz zu Gast
Bauen muss schneller und nachhaltiger werden. Wie das geht, weiß man am Fachgebiet Experimentelles und Digitales…Artificial intelligence enables simulation of millions of atoms under laser excitation
Researchers at the University of Kassel have developed a new method for simulating the influence of ultrashort laser…Generic masculine: the brain has to overcome inconsistencies
9-Euro-Ticket: Umfrage liefert Erkenntnisse zum ÖPNV
Vor einem Jahr haben Forschende vom Institut für Verkehrswesen der Universität Kassel untersucht, inwiefern und von wem…Producing high-quality raw materials from residual biomass: New Research Group
A new junior research group at the University of Kassel is researching innovative recycling processes for residual…Ausbau der Stromnetze: Anforderungen für Verteilnetzbetreiber
Die Energiewende stellt an die Stromnetze neue Anforderungen. Was die Netze vor Ort künftig leisten müssen, hat ein Team…Welding technology: International success for the University of Kassel
Dr.-Ing. Niklas Sommer has been awarded the prestigious Henry Granjon Prize for his research work. The prize was awarded…Milestone for Rosenzweig research - partial estate of the University Library is online
Start-up: Hochwertige Möbel aus recyceltem Plastik für den afrikanischen Markt
Ergebnisse der Mobilitätsbefragungen
New metal welded joints improve middle ear implants
Welded joints between titanium or stainless steels and so-called nickel-titanium shape memory alloys are still…Fashion without models
Moving fashion shows to digital can make the fashion industry more efficient, sustainable and customer-oriented - this…Neuer Trinkwasserspender im Campuscenter
Bei den aktuell hohen Temperaturen ist es wichtig, viel zu trinken. Damit das noch einfacher gelingt, wurde vor dem…New Heisenberg professor researches power electronic converters
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Friebe has been accepted into the DFG's Heisenberg Program this year. His research topic is…Neues Kassel Stipendium unterstützt Studierende in schwierigen Lebenslagen
Das Studierendenwerk Kassel führt zum kommenden Wintersemester 2023/2024 ein eigenes Stipendienprogramm für Studierende…Uni Kassel plans location in Hansa-Haus
The University of Kassel and AG are negotiating a comprehensive rental agreement for the Hansa-Haus. The…Anerkennungspreis für Forschungsstation "traces" als vorbildlicher Bau
Die Forschungsstation „traces“ der Universität Kassel ist bei dem Staatspreis für Architektur und Städtebau,…How online teaching works
What makes online teaching effective in schools? A large-scale study in Ecuador shows: A central system for monitoring…Hans Martin Prize for innovative work in the field of ergonomics 2023 and 2021
On July 17, three Hans Martin Prize winners were honored for the years 2023 and 2021. Two of the award winners studied…Rundgangpreise 2023 verliehen
Drei Preise wurden am Donnerstagabend (13.07.23) im Rahmen der Eröffnung des Rundgangs der Kunsthochschule Kassel…University orchestra plays Beethoven and Debussy
From wild and exuberant to dreamy and romantic: the program of the symphony orchestra of the University of Kassel…Micro-fitness studio to audio walk: five Hessen Ideas grants go to Kassel
Five new Hessen Ideas Grants have been awarded to the University of Kassel - this program supports innovative start-up…Repair your bike with ease: New repair station at the University of Kassel
Low air in the tire, screw on the luggage rack or handlebars loose? No problem, because there is now a bicycle repair…Housing construction in cities: there would be room
An interdisciplinary research team has shown that there is an enormous amount of space available in growing cities. They…Psychologie-Professorin Piper Shafir zu Gast
Study: Social control does not lead to meat abstinence - on the contrary
People who are reminded of the environmental consequences of meat consumption are more likely to avoid it - this result…Neue Podcastreihe entzaubert pädagogische Mythen