Research data & data protection
The handling of research data and data protection is a very high priority - both in research as well as for funding organisations. Both topics must therefore be adequately addressed in funding applications.
The University of Kassel offers support for dealing with these topics. You may find details below.

Please note:
Requirements by funding organizations regarding the management of research data and data protection have increased steeply since 2022!
Data protection
Do you work with personal data, e.g. in surveys (online or offline), studies on people, evaluations of texts or data series on living persons, etc.?
This data falls under the GDPR and must be protected accordingly during and after the project by means of suitable declarations of consent, processing directories and data backups.
The data protection officer at the University of Kassel can help you with this.
The document linked here summarizes the differences to the previous legal situation:
Basic information on handling data in research at the University of Kassel