Prof. Dr. René Sahm
Neu am Fachbereich Architektur – Stadtplanung – LandschaftsplanungProf. Dr. Jens Friebe
Neu am Fachbereich Elektrotechnik/InformatikProf. Dr. Michael Goller
New at the Faculty of Business and EconomicsProf. Dr. Fabian Weber
New at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural SciencesProf. Dr.-Ing. Wenwen Song
Neu am Fachbereich MaschinenbauProf. Dr. Andreas Braun
Neu am Fachbereich Ökologische AgrarwissenschaftenWelcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. Anne Lisa Carstensen!
New at the Faculty of Social SciencesWelcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. Isabell Hensel!
New at the Faculty of Business and EconomicsWelcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. Madeleine Domenech!
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesWelcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Rebecca Stephany!
New at the art academy