Agrartrans project

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The Agrartrans project is funded by the 'Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre' (Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education) and is organisationally anchored in the department 'International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance', FB 11, Witzenhausen.

  • Development of transdisciplinary didactics and methods for socio-ecological transformations in the agricultural sector
  • Anchoring and building the network around the degree programme 'Agriculture, Ecology and Societies'
  • Supporting the development of the degree programme
  • Opening up discussion spaces for interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Testing and consolidation of didactic elements in the course, e.g. simulation game as an introduction to social-ecological systems analysis in the context of agriculture and food.
  • International workshop on food system transitions
  • Seminars on skills such as project management, diversity and intercultural communication
  • Series of events on topics related to the agri-food system


Presentations & Events

You can view materials from the series of events in our Open Moodle folder. The password will be sent to you by email on request.

For questions about the project

Project Coordinator:
Dr. Martina Pletsch-Betancourt