Special needs and inclusion education (teacher training subject)

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Image of a teaching and working situation. A group of eleven students are in a small room. Floor-to-ceiling windows can be seen in the background. In front of them are beanbags on which the students are sitting and chatting.Image: Sascha Mannel

In addition to the social science core course and the elective subject, the special needs and inclusion education sub-course forms the third compulsory component of the "Teaching Qualification for Special Needs Education with a Focus on Inclusion" course.

The course imparts knowledge about the history and current discourses of special needs and inclusion education as well as the design of inclusive lessons for heterogeneous learning groups. With regard to the two main areas of support - emotional and social development and learning - students acquire skills in the areas of diagnosis, support and counseling. Integrated into the specialization in learning, students complete modules in the areas of basic linguistic education and basic mathematical education. Diagnostics modules train students in the use of diagnostic tools and the preparation of reports. A particular focus is placed on continuously testing and reflecting on the theoretical knowledge acquired in practice (e.g. by working with case studies or as part of guided teaching experiments).

Students are enabled to plan and implement lessons in inclusive mainstream schools and special schools. In addition, they acquire skills in advising teachers, parents/guardians and institutions. In addition to schools, counseling and support centers are therefore also possible fields of activity for graduates of the comprehensive degree program in Special Education with a focus on inclusion.

Application and admission
Information on application and admission can be found on the course page of the comprehensive degree course in Special Needs Education with a focus on Inclusion (First State Examination).

Further information will follow. Prospective students have the opportunity to register for a mailing list.

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Contact us

Julia Heiderich

Student Advisory Service

Department 01 Human Sciences 

Nora-Platiel-Straße 5

Room 1114

Phone: +49 561 804-2039

E-mail: j.heiderich[at]uni-kassel[dot]de 

Please contact me by e-mail to arrange an appointment. Please indicate in this e-mail which format (by telephone, in person or digitally via Zoom) you prefer for the consultation and briefly describe your request.

Teacher training for special education with a focus on inclusion