Practical phase

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Work placement

  • The self-organized work placement is intended to provide insights into areas of life and work that have no points of contact with the professional field of school .
  • The work placement is required for the degree programs Teaching at Primary Schools (L1), Teaching at Secondary Schools and Secondary Modern Schools (L2), Teaching at Grammar Schools (L3) and Teaching Special Education with a Focus on Inclusion (L5). This does not apply to students studying to teach at elementary school and secondary modern schools who started their teacher training after 2014 and before 2023.
  • This internship is not required for vocational and business education courses. Instead, company internships of 48 weeks are completed there.
  • Recommended internship locations are service, processing, trade and production companies.
  • The duration of the internship is at least 8 weeks. The internship can also be divided into two parts, e.g. 4 weeks each at two different internship locations.
  • The  examination performance  consists of the internship report. Instructions for writing the internship report can be found on the homepage of the Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie.
  • The internship certificate must also be submitted to - at the latest by the time you register for the First State Examination. 
  • The Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie is also responsible for the recognition of the internship.
Function/NameAddress/telephone number/e-mail

Contact person
Torsten Langrehr  

Hessian Teachers' Academy

Phone: +49 561 8101-141

E-mail:  torsten.langrehr[at]kultus.hessen[dot]de