How is the study program structured?

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Students in the bachelor's degree program in mathematics usually receive their degree after six semesters. In addition to mathematics, they also take courses in an application focus of their own choice:

  • Computer Science
  • Physics
  • Nanostructure science
  • Economics

The first four semesters form the foundation area. Students acquire basic knowledge in the areas of analysis, algebra and discrete mathematics, numerics and stochastics. In addition, they attend introductory courses in their field of application as well as a basic lecture on computer science. Most of these courses take the form of lectures with accompanying exercises in smaller groups. In addition, there are seminars and, in some cases, practical courses.

The last two semesters form the area of specialization, in which students make a selection from a pool of specialized courses according to their personal interests. In mathematics, the specialization areas of analysis, algebra, numerics, optimization and stochastics are offered here. In the application specialization, the courses offered depend on the chosen area.

In addition to lectures with exercises and seminars, students must also complete a seven-week internship in which they gain an initial insight into the use of mathematics in practice. The final part of the course is a nine-week Bachelor's thesis, in which the students deal intensively with a concrete mathematical topic. In the specialization area there is also the possibility to spend a semesterabroad   .

Students tell

Sample Curricula

Sample study plan computer science

 (opens enlarged image)Sample study plan for Mathematics with a focus on Computer Science

Sample curriculum nanostructure science

 (opens enlarged image)Sample study plan for Mathematics with a focus on Nanostructure Science

Sample physics curriculum

 (opens enlarged image)Sample study plan for Mathematics with a focus on Physics

Sample study plan economics

 (opens enlarged image)Sample study plan for Mathematics with a focus on Economics