Registration for the pre-course in mathematics

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Registration for the preliminary math course is now open.

Before registering for a pre-college math course, please read the following information carefully.

Our mathematics pre-courses work with the help of the Openmoodle platform of the University of Kassel. To take part in one of our pre-courses, you must register for the pre-course via Openmoodle. We have created a registration moodle course Pre-course registration SoSe2025 for this purpose.

Step by step

  1. please register in the Openmoodle course Pre-course registration SoSe2025 ( with the registration key


  2. after you have completed your registration via the registration course, a registration confirmation will be displayed in the Moodle course.

  3. below you will find a registration guide. It describes step by step how you can register for the math pre-course via Openmoodle:

Has your preliminary course already started?

You can also register for a preliminary course that has already started. You will find all the necessary information in the Moodle course after registration. If you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail at vorkurs[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de.