Career prospects

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The Master's degree not only qualifies students for doctoral studies and academic research, but also for work in institutions and associations, NGOs and companies, as well as in journalism and public relations. The aim of the degree programme is to prepare students for work in university research as well as for responsible positions in governmental and non-governmental organizations and, if applicable, private companies.

This opens up prospects for graduates in the professional fields of political parties and associations, ministries, non-governmental organizations or EU bodies. Scientific services and political bodies are also possible fields of activity. Likewise, career opportunities open up in organizations and institutions in the field of various social policy areas as well as political consulting institutions. Last but not least, there are jobs in adult education institutions, in the non-formal/extracurricular education sector, at international organizations and institutions and agencies involved in development cooperation.


The profile of political science in Kassel is characterized by a special focus on North-South relations, the welfare state/law/state/democracy, political economy, analysis of gender relations, migration policy and political education, which form the basis of the MA course as cross-cutting topics. The new focus on socio-ecological transformation in Module 4 and further elective options in the context of the new "Kassel Institute for Sustainability" opens up access to today's most promising professional fields. Political Science is thus also participating in the goal associated with the establishment of the Kassel Institute to train those who will advance the socio-ecological transformation in their work in the future.

With the Master's degree in Political Science, students primarily acquire and deepen analytical skills. The content of all modules is geared towards this, because these skills represent the basic competence for all professional fields of political scientists in research and practice and are therefore practiced in each of the sub-disciplines (Political System, Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Relations). The studies available to date on the practical relevance and career orientation of political science degree programs illustrate the great importance that is placed on the promotion and development of analytical skills on the part of graduates. This is why they play a central role in the university's Master's degree program in Political Science.

At the same time, the development of skills such as communication skills, teamwork skills, research skills, intercultural skills, organizational skills and, of course, research skills also play an important role within the course. While communication skills primarily promote the ability to argue objectively and to present work results appropriately, as well as the ability to develop teaching content independently, the promotion of research skills aims to increase familiarity with applied research and a reflective approach to different social expectations and requirements in the field of critical research work. Students acquire the ability to independently identify topics, plan and carry out empirical studies and, at the same time, basic skills in the conception and implementation of complex tasks. Communication skills and organizational skills are considered to be particularly important areas of competence, as political science graduates state that communicative and, above all, organizational skills are of great importance in later professional practice.

Experience to date has shown that first jobs usually result from activities during and alongside studies. This is taken into account by the practical components, which are provided for in Module 5 in particular, which extends over the second and third semesters of study and offers the opportunity to write your own research paper in an existing research project at the department or at associated institutions. Students can thus gain insights into academic professional practice.