Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems
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The certificate 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' deals with the main components of the electrical system. Issues such as how to design, control and operate the electrical system in a wind energy converter will be covered. In this context questions are answered regarding the technical challenges and boundary conditions for the design and how it interacts with the drive train and the whole wind energy converter system and the wind farm.
Certificate Modules
Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components | Course Description | |
Electrical Engineering | Description | |
Control and Operational Management for Wind Turbines and Wind Farms | Description of | |
Energy Storage | Description | |
Technical and Economic Aspects of Grid Integration | Description |
The certificate 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' is recommended to engineers who want to work for manufacturers that deal with the design of the electrical system of a wind turbine or who would like to work for consultant companies that deal with the operation and maintenance of wind farms. Certificate participants learn to analyze requirements for grid connections from wind farms to the electricity grid and to design the internal wind farm grid. They also learn to conduct all the necessary grid compatibility studies and prepare an optimized and economical grid connection plan as a consultant.
Certificate Fee
€6,000 (30 credits)
How this fits into the master's program
All 30 credits of the certificate 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' will be accepted for the complete master's study program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.
Certificate Director
Sasa Aleksandra
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The 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' certificate deals with the main components of the electrical system. It covers topics such as the design, control and operation of the electrical system in a wind turbine. In this context, questions on the technical challenges and boundary conditions for the design and its interaction with the drive and the entire wind turbine and wind farm are answered.
Certificate modules
Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components | Course Description | |
Electrical Engineering | Description | |
Control and Operational Management for Wind Turbines and Wind Farms | Description of | |
Energy Storage | Description | |
Technical and Economic Aspects of Grid Integration | Description |
The 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' certificate is recommended for engineers who want to work for manufacturers who deal with the design of the electrical system of a wind turbine or for consulting companies that deal with the operation and maintenance of wind turbines and wind farms. Certificate participants learn to analyze requirements for the grid connection of wind farms to the electricity grid and to design the internal wind farm grid. They also learn to carry out all necessary grid compatibility studies and to create an optimized and economical grid connection plan as a consultant.
Certificate fees
6,000 € (30 ECTS credits)
Classification in the Master's program
All 30 credits of the certificate 'Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems' are recognized for the Master's degree program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.
Certificate Director
Sasa Aleksandra
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<link>Application for the certificate