Diplomas of Advanced Studies (DAS)

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The Wind Energy Systems online degree program is very flexible. We offer continuing education programs at different levels and competency levels. In addition to our master's program "Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems", we also offer seven DAS certificates. These allow participants to study specific areas of focus in the field of wind energy. All certificates have a scope of 30 ECTS credits.

If students study more than one certificate, modules already completed will be recognized. All modules are accredited by ASIIN. The fee for a certificate is € 6,000.

The following certificates can be studied:

Studying Wind Energy Systems in Kassel is highly flexible. We provide higher education at different levels and in different areas of competence. Besides the master's program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems, seven Certificates of Advanced Studies are offered. These enable our participants to study specific certificates with different foci in wind energy systems. All certificates have a total of 30 credits.

If students take part in more than one certificate, overlapping modules will be accepted. All modules of the certificates are accredited by the ASIIN. The fee for a complete certificate is €6,000.

These 30-credit certificates are:

Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate provides a strong fundamental knowledge, crucial to understanding economically and ecologically efficient wind energy transformation, and to designing new wind turbines or components. <link>[more]

Electrical Engineering
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate deals with the main components of the electrical system. Issues such as how to design, control and operate the electrical system in a wind energy converter will be covered.<link> [more]

Computational Wind Energy Systems
Studying this certificate requires the successful completion of the certificate 'Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals of Wind Energy Systems'. It provides a profound knowledge of computational methods.<link> [more]

Integration of Wind Power
in the Electricity Supply System

This certificate gives you the opportunity to study the increasingly important issue of the integration of wind power into the power supply system. <link>[more]

Fluid Mechanics
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate provides a profound knowledge of mathematics, fluid mechanics and computational methods used for the fluid mechanical analysis of wind energy converters for stationary and transient cases. <link>[more]

Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate provides in-depth fundamental knowledge, indispensable for a comprehensive understanding of wind energy transformation and the development of new wind turbines and components <link>[more]

Electrical Engineering
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate provides knowledge in the field of main components of power systems. More specifically, the design, control and operation of power systems in wind turbines are addressed<link> [more].

Computational Wind Energy Systems
This certificate provides in-depth knowledge of computational methods. Prerequisite is the completion of the certificate "Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals of Wind Energy Systems" <link> [more]

Integration of Wind Power
in the Electricity Supply System

This certificate gives you the opportunity to gain important knowledge on the increasingly important topic of integrating wind power into the electricity supply system <link>[more]

Fluid Mechanics
of Wind Energy Systems

This certificate provides in-depth knowledge of the mathematics, fluid mechanics, and computational methods needed for steady-state and temporary fluid mechanics analyses of wind turbines <link>[more]

Structural Mechanics
of Wind Energy Systems

The study of this certificate allows for the development of knowledge in the areas of mathematics, solid mechanics, and computational methods relevant to structural analysis in static and dynamic loading of wind turbines<link> [more]

Structural Mechanics
of Wind Energy Systems

Studying this certificate provides knowledge of mathematics and solid mechanics as well as computational methods used for the structural analysis of wind energy converters for static and dynamic load cases.<link> [more]

Wind Energy Converter Systems
This certificate is focused on engineering, planning and managing aspects of wind turbine technology, wind turbines and wind farms. It provides knowledge about classical and recently developed wind turbine components. <link>[more]

Wind Energy Converter Systems
This certificate focuses on the technical development, planning and management of wind turbine technology, wind turbines and wind farms. Knowledge of classical and newly developed wind turbine components is imparted <link>[more].