How is the study program structured?

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The Master's degree course in Industrial Engineering comprises four semesters (120 credits). The special feature: Students can design their studies individually. In addition to further deepening their mathematical knowledge, there is a wide range of choices in both the business and technical fields.

In the technical area, modules worth 30 credits can be selected from the following areas:

  • Civil Engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

In the field of engineering, the compulsory elective modules offer students the opportunity to set individual priorities based on their own interests and specialization ideas.

In the field of economics, an individual profile can also be achieved by selecting one of the five specializations (30 credits):

MW1: Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation (FACT)

MW2: Management and Marketing (MuM)

MW3: Digital Business (DiB)

MW4: Sustainability Management(specification of the selection options)

MW5: Economic Behavior and Governance (EBGO)

Further information can be found in the module handbooks M.Sc. Business Studies, M.Sc. Sustainable Management and M.Sc. Economic Behavior & Governance. The best way to do this is to use the course catalog in His-Pos. You can take all modules from the compulsory and elective areas within one of the specializations listed above.

In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of the degree program is complemented by a comprehensive range of integrated subjects (e.g. project and quality management) and key skills (e.g. foreign languages) to prepare you for the professional challenges of an industrial engineer.
In terms of content, the Master's degree thus offers the opportunity to specialize in various future-oriented topics - such as digitalization, Industry 4.0 or sustainable management.

The study plan is available for download and is based on the valid examination regulations.

Sample study plan

(opens enlarged image)

In the specialization area of the integration modules, students acquire in-depth knowledge in the subject areas that combine business-related professional and research content with technical content. To this end, students choose various modules according to their interests from the four main research areas of the Institute of Ergonomics and Process Management (IfA) as well as from the courses offered by the Department of Technology and Innovation Management, the Department of Business Technology Management and the Department of Digital Transformation Management:

Further information on the integration subjects on offer can be found on the website of the Institute of Ergonomics and Process Management and on the homepage of the Department of Technology and Innovation Management and the Department of Digital Transformation Management .

Key competencies

Please note: There are no (longer) any key competency lists. Although these are mentioned in the MHB , as it is an accredited document, the corresponding reference cannot be changed . It is generally recommended to clarify the crediting of a key competence with the student advisory service Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen(wing[at]uni-kassel[dot]de) or the examination office before taking it.
For information on requirements and examples, please refer to the following information document.

The master thesis and the master colloquium form the master degree module. The master thesis should be issued in the 3rd semester at the earliest. Prerequisite for the registration of the master thesis is the proof of at least 72 credits.

The processing time for the master's thesis is 22 weeks and begins on the day the topic is announced. The master thesis must be presented in a master colloquium. In addition to the candidate, the first examiner and an assessor participate in the colloquium. The master colloquium should take place no later than ten weeks after submission of the master thesis. Participation in the master colloquium requires that at least the grade "sufficient"(4.0) has been achieved in the master thesis. The duration of the entire colloquium is 30 to a maximum of 60 minutes.


Current resolution on the teaching and examination system Industrial Engineering and Management (Bachelor and Master) as of 27.10.21.

1) The repetition requirement for the Bachelor and Master (PO14, §5(6)) is suspended for all examinations for the time being until the expiry of PO 2014.