Fourth Sustainability Café
About the format:
The Sustainability Café brings together colleagues from various specialist areas approximately once a month to discuss current topics in an interdisciplinary dialog. Individuals or tandems from the specialist areas each contribute a short impulse on a relevant topic - the presentations last a maximum of 10 minutes and enable exciting discussions.
Topic of the upcoming Sustainability Café:
This time, we want to use the café to debrief and recap the DKN Sustainability Science Summit, which took place last week in Berlin under the slogan “Advancing Sustainable Development”. Several people from our institute were there and had an intensive exchange with the scientific community. We would like to share our impressions and reflect together on what insights we can take away for our work.
Date: 06.03.2025
Time: 12:00 to 14:00, in presence
Location: Seminar room of the Kassel Institute (Mosenthalstr. 8, 3rd floor, room 3001