Program on Monday, 08.05.2023

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We kicked off our joint STEM Week with a central kick-off event at the university's Campus Center.

Foyer: "Mathematics you can touch" touring exhibition by the Mathematikum and information and advice from the STEM departments on degree courses at the university.

Lecture hall 1: Introductory lecture, "Mathematics you can touch", Prof. Dr. Albrecht Beutelspacher, initiator and director of the Mathematikum Gießen, accompanied by music from the Volkswagen Sound Orchestra.

Prof. Dr. Albrecht Beutelspacher, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Giessen from 1988 to 2018, is the initiator and director of the Mathematikum in Giessen. The Mathematikum in Giessen is the world's first hands-on mathematics museum with over 150 exhibits for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. Prof. Beutelspacher lives for mathematics. And he loves to bring it closer to others even more. He writes columns and books and designs television programs.

The Volkswagen Sound Orchestra was founded in 2018 and consists of musicians who are VW employees from very different areas. They interpret the modules composed by Detlef Landeck and give free rein to their creative improvisation skills as part of the "Conducted Improvisation Concept". Percussion grooves elicited from VW vehicle components are just as much a part of the Volkswagen Sound Orchestra as machine sounds from the production halls of Volkswagen Kassel.

Offers at locations in the region

Workshops and hands-on offers
MINT at the Max-Eyth-School
Daily changing offers in the premises of the Max-Eyth-School
Workshop for students
Energy turnaround heroes build a solar sound system for their school
Vocational orientation for apprenticeships with energy transition relevance
(SoLocal Energy e.V. in cooperation with the training workshops of the University of Kassel)
Carbon dioxide - The substance that changes our world
Everyone is talking about the greenhouse effect, but how exactly doesCO2 behave as a greenhouse gas? What does it have to do with global warming? AreCO2 fire extinguishers suitable for fire protection at home? Felix Schmidt, 19, participant and prize-winner in the 53rd International Physics Olympiad, will answer these questions with an interesting series of experiments.
(cooperative event of FutureSpace and SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT)