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A film(talk) with Doris Dörrie, bag and ghost
FRAU DÖRRIE UND DIE GESPENSTER (D 2022, R.: Thomas Henke) is the second film in the accompanying film series to the Kassel Grimm Poetics Professorship. The film was made on the occasion of Doris Dörrie's Grimm Poetics Professorship in 2022 and will premiere at the Kassel DokFest 2022 on Saturday, November 19, starting at 4:30 p.m. at Kassel's Gloria Kino(Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 3, 34117 Kassel).
The director steps in front of Gerardo Milsztein's camera with a plastic bag on her head in Kassel's arthouse cinema BALi and talks about herself, filming and writing. During her self-chosen appearance as a ghost, only her eyes are occasionally visible through viewing holes behind the bag. In the empty cinema, however, the view of the (not always empty) screen does not remain entirely unobserved ...

Screenshots from FRAU DÖRRIE UND DIE GESPENSTER (D 2022)
© Doris Dörrie, Thomas Henke, Stefanie Kreuzer
The result is a 24-minute short film that, in the form of a mise-en-abyme, shows the filmmaker in the cinema and sometimes on the screen, as a director and literary figure, and in the process also reflects on the medium itself - through a very visible, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes tired, sometimes interested and sometimes perhaps bored, but always very visible and present ghost (Johann Held).
Directed by Thomas Henke (in collaboration with Stefanie Kreuzer). 'Cast': Doris Dörrie (with bag), Johann Held (ghost). Cinematography: Gerardo Milsztein. Editing: Oliver Held. Production: HENKE-MEDIEN. Financing: Stefanie Kreuzer as professor of the University of Kassel. - © Doris Dörrie, Thomas Henke, Stefanie Kreuzer | 2022.
(Accompanying) Film Series for the Grimm Poetics Professorship
The Kassel Grimm Poetics Professorship (GPP) is currently being given a new media accent. In addition to literary figures, filmmakers are to be increasingly invited to Kassel. In cooperation with the media artist and director Thomas Henke (FH Bielefeld), an accompanying series of filmic (artist) portraits of the award winners has been initiated. This is an associative continuation in the tradition of FELICITAS HOPPE SAYS (D 2017; directed by Thomas Henke and Oliver Held), a film portrait of a female author that was made two years before Felicitas Hoppe's Kassel Grimm Poetics Professorship.
FRAU DÖRRIE UND DIE GESPENSTER (D 2022) is after THEY ALWAYS SAY TERÉZIA MORA (D 2021) the second film in the Grimm Poetics Professorship accompanying film series.