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10/30/2013 | Pressemitteilung

Students more satisfied, but more freedom and opportunities for self-study desired: Results of the Second Bachelor Survey at the University of Kassel

Bachelor students at the University of Kassel are more satisfied overall with their studies and the university's offerings than they were three years ago. The Executive Board of the University of Kassel had commissioned the study to find out how the new bachelor's degree programs are being received by students. Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein was very pleased with the positive development: "The many efforts made in recent years to further improve the new degree programs are now obviously having an effect," said the Vice President of the University of Kassel. Although further adjustments in individual areas need to be considered, the clearly recognizable positive trend in the students' assessment shows that the course for the future has basically been set correctly.

In the summer semester of 2013, 10,000 Bachelor students at the University of Kassel were invited to participate in an online survey on the quality of Bachelor programs as part of the study. Of these, 2,300 students participated. In the first round of the survey in 2010, 2,400 students had participated.

The assessment of the course content, the course structure, the general conditions and the organization of teaching was significantly better this time than three years ago. Thus, 50 percent of the students stated that they were "Satisfied" or "Very satisfied" with their studies. In particular, complaints about overlapping course times and overcrowded courses were significantly less frequent.

The assessment of the quality of support and advising services has also improved in all departments. This positive trend is particularly clear for the examination secretariats in the departments. However, there is a need for further optimization of IT services and the availability of suitable rooms for self-study and group work.

The good learning environment and the support provided by the lecturers at the University of Kassel are consistently rated positively. The average workload has decreased slightly for the lecture and examination period compared to 2010 and increased slightly for the lecture-free period. For the entire academic year, an average workload of 30 hours/week in the Bachelor's programs is calculated from the information provided by the students.

In the eyes of the students, the possibility of forming subject-related majors has improved over the past three years, but still falls short of expectations and desires.

The bachelor's degree is the highest degree aspired to by 30 percent of students. In 2010, this figure was only 24 percent. A master's degree is what 60 percent of students want to achieve. One third of all students expect to complete their bachelor's degree within the specified period of study. A heavy exam load is cited by 53 percent as the most common reason for extending the study period. In 2010, this proportion was still 70 percent.

A summary of the most important evaluation results can be viewed on the University of Kassel website:

The Bachelor Surveys 2010 and 2013 provide important impulses for the further improvement of studying and teaching and form important components of the quality management system of the University of Kassel. In the winter semester of 2013/14, all student teachers and in the summer semester of2014, all Master's students at the University of Kassel will be asked about their assessment of their studies at the University. The implementation of these surveys as well as the current Bachelor Survey is made possible by the overall project of the University of Kassel "Growth and Quality. Professionalization for studying and teaching" within the framework of the federal-state program "Quality Pact for Teaching" (funding code 01PL12036).

As part of this year's Bachelor Forum on Friday, November 8, 2013, the President of the University of Kassel invites all interested university members to discuss the results of the Bachelor survey in the Senate Hall(




Dr. Michael Sywall
University of Kassel
Department of Development Planning
Phone: +49 561 804-7299 or -4261

E-mail sywall[at]uni-kassel[dot]de