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11/14/2013 | Pressemitteilung

Computer game as an art form: Interactive exhibition SPIELSALON at the Fridericianum Kassel

SPIELSALON, the festival of author's games, is coming back: The University of Kassel and its art academy are presenting new German and international computer games in a curated exhibition at the Fridericianum in Kassel, which the public can also test. The event is to become permanently established in the city in northern Hesse.

Computer games are more than blockbusters like "World of Warcraft" - they can be art. In Germany and internationally, a lively indie game scene has established itself that creatively develops the medium of computer games. For example, students at the University of Kassel and Kassel University of the Arts released the game "Tiny & Big," which won the 2013 German Computer Game Award for Best Youth Game and the Student Showcase at the Independent Games Festival in San Francisco.

"Computer games are establishing themselves as a form of creative expression," explains Prof. Thomas Meyer-Hermann, co-organizer and professor of animation at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. "Artists are increasingly using this medium to realize their concepts. On the other hand, professional game developers are opening up to unconventional ideas. As a result, games production - which is already the most dynamic factor in the creative industries - is developing into a formative area of our culture, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively."

SPIELSALON 2013 will take place from November 27 to December 1. The exhibition at the Fridericianum, one of Europe's oldest and most important museums, will be complemented by lectures, workshops and panel discussions. The venue Dock 4 near the Fridericianum serves as a laboratory and workshop. The SPIELSALON thus offers a meeting place for students of game development courses and the growing indie game scene - the game designers of the future. In the long term, the SPIELSALON is to be established as a regular cultural event in Kassel. The organizers can build on the experience and positive response of the first edition in July 2011.

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Caption: Young visitors at the 2011 games salon. photo: University of Kassel/Kämmerer.

Stephan Hanf
Kunsthochschule Kassel
Department of Animated Film
Tel.: 0177 7657561
E-mail: stephan[at]spielsalonkassel[dot]com