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02/12/2016 | Pressemitteilung

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the University of Kassel

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier sees the accumulation of world political crises as a late consequence of the end of the Cold War. Steinmeier emphasized this today (Feb. 12) during a lecture at the University of Kassel. Shortly before the end, the event had to be cut short due to a deliberate false fire alarm.

Image: University of Kassel
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (l.) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder, Head of the Department of Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany at the University of Kassel.

Steinmeier spoke as part of the lecture "Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany" by Kassel political scientist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder. The topic of the lecture was "German Foreign Policy in Stormy Times". The date had been exceptionally opened to the general public because of the great interest. About 900 students and guests attended the event. In addition to the university's largest lecture hall, another auditorium was open in the Campus Center, where Steinmeier's speech was broadcast. Nevertheless, some interested people were unable to find a seat and could not be admitted for security reasons.

In addition to many positive consequences, the end of the Cold War also brought the end of an order, the foreign minister said in his remarks. So far, he said, no stable new order has taken its place. He expressed hope that an improvement in the humanitarian situation would be possible quickly following the recent talks on the Syrian conflict. Steinmeier called for remaining in negotiations with all actors and struggling to find political solutions.

After the end of the Foreign Minister's speech, a discussion session was scheduled. However, due to a fire alarm, the discussion had to be cut short. Unknown persons had smashed one of about 250 fire alarms in the building.

"This is extremely annoying and a pity," regretted the president of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey. "A university is a place of rational debate. The students, the guests and certainly also Mr. Steinmeier had looked forward to an intensive dialogue following the highly interesting remarks of the Foreign Minister. That is why they have now been brought." He thanked Mr. Steinmeier and the organizer, Prof. Schroeder.

"Having an open discussion with the foreign minister would certainly have been exciting," explained Natalia Franz, chairwoman of AStA. "To deprive interested students of this discussion and critical questions is not the right way to express criticism. We thank Mr. Steinmeier for his lecture and Mr. Schroeder for organizing the event."

According to findings so far, the fire alarm was triggered manually. The Campus Center had to be evacuated as a result. The fire department released the building after a few minutes without finding a fire. The evacuation went off without a hitch.


Image from the event at
Caption: Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (l.) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder,
Head of the Department of Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany at the University of Kassel.
Photo: University of Kassel.




Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de