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06/23/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Prof. Borromeo Ferri and Prof. Meister Jury Members in MINT Initiative

Under the patronage of the German Chancellor, the national initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" ("Creating a STEM future!") aims to get students excited about STEM subjects, motivate, promote and award schools for their commitment to STEM, and increase the number of first-year students in STEM courses at German universities. Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri and Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister of the University of Kassel have been MINT ambassadors since 2020 and jury members for awards from the initiative since 2021.

Image: Borromeo Ferri

"MINT Zukunft schaffen!" takes a look at the STEM profiles of schools in general as well as the computer science or digitization profile with awards. The "MINT-friendly school" award supports STEM education at all schools in Germany under the auspices of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK). The "Digital School" award is a high-quality assessment of the status of digitization at schools under the patronage of the Federal Government Commissioner for Digitization, Minister of State Dorothee Bär. Honored schools receive a certificate and a signet.

Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri and Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister were selected as jury members for the two signets "MINT-friendly school" and "Digital school". Together with other jury members, they assess schools from all over Germany. "The commitment of many schools to STEM activities is enormous," Prof. Meister is pleased to say. "Above all, numerous and interesting STEM activities are initiated by teachers to inspire learners. The STEM-friendly school award should therefore be a great incentive for many schools."

The "Digital School" award is intended to motivate people to look at what makes their own school "digital." For Prof. Borromeo Ferri, the Corona pandemic in particular has led to digitization in schools once again taking on greater importance for learners and teachers. In addition to the expansion of technical equipment at various levels, he said, not only have up-to-date and well-thought-out digital teaching-learning concepts been developed, but many schools of various types have integrated the digital concept into their school programs, thus aiming for sustainability. "It's great what many teachers achieve on a daily basis," Prof. Borromeo Ferri expressed his thanks.

STEM-friendly school " award:

Award "Digital School ":

'MINT Zukunft schaffen! ' initiative:

Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri
University of Kassel
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institute of Mathematics
Department of Didactics of Mathematics
Heinrich-Plett-Strasse 40
D-34132 Kassel
Tel: 0561 804-4768
eMail: borromeo[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
University of Kassel
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institute of Mathematics
Department of Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
D-34132 Kassel
Tel: 0561 804-4631
eMail: meister[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de