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11/10/2021 | Campus-Meldung

"What are you researching? Women in Science"

Research associations from the University of Kassel want to arouse curiosity about the fields of work in STEM subjects with their own gender equality project: The book "Was forschst du da? Frauen in der Wissenschaft" (What are you researching? Women in science) portrays 24 female scientists at different career stages and from various research disciplines, as in a short interview.

Image: University of Kassel. Illustration: Larua Dörner.
Cover page "What are you researching? Women in Science"

The book focuses not only on the personal careers and motivations for entering research, but also on the current projects of the women portrayed. Stories are told by female scientists from the major research networks in the field of natural and technical sciences at the University of Kassel: from the Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), from the Collaborative Research Center Extreme Light for the Analysis and Control of Molecular CHirality (ELCH) and from the LOEWE priority project SMolBits ("Scalable Molecular Quantum Bits").The illustrations were created by Laura Dörner, a freelance illustrator and student at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. The layout is based on the style of a "friends book", so that the research topics are also easily accessible for interested laymen. In this way, the book serves as an information medium for high school girls in particular and can support them in deciding on a field of study in the natural and technical sciences. The personal stories in it vividly show how barriers can be overcome and much can be achieved if one follows one's own interests with confidence and determination. The project can thus help to break down prejudices and stereotypes in STEM professions.

The printed book significantly supports the gender equality project of the study ambassadors of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. These are students from the department who visit schools to present everyday study and research topics to students.

The book is also available free of charge and is handed out at public events, such as the Campus Festival of the University of Kassel, the Physics Day of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences or the Hessentag.

For more information and to order the book, visit:
