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11/08/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Cash donation for Germany Scholarship in the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science

On the occasion of the anniversary of the University of Kassel, Micromata GmbH supports students in the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science with a donation of 5,400 euros. This will enable three students to receive a Germany scholarship for one year each.

"The Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science at the University of Kassel trains students to become highly qualified specialists in electrical engineering and computer science who are prepared for the rapid pace of technological change and actively help to shape it. We are particularly pleased to be able to support three talented students financially with the donation on this path in their studies," explained Prof. Axel Bangert, Dean of the Department, when he handed over the donation today, Monday, November 8, 2021.

Both the department and the Kassel-based software company Micromata particularly support the next generation of women in information technology. Therefore, female students in particular are encouraged to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium. "Digitization is one of the most important topics of our time. For it to succeed, we need the best minds. That's why, as a software company, we've been doing everything we can to support young IT talent for many years," explained Micromata CEO Alexander Podlich. "If, at the same time, we can do something to get more women interested in software development, we're even more pleased."

The Deutschlandstipendium is awarded at the University of Kassel each winter semester. It was introduced as a national program by the German government in 2011. Since then, around 28,000 students have been sponsored each year throughout Germany - around 40 of them at the University of Kassel. The highlight of the Deutschlandstipendium is that the federal government doubles the amounts donated by private benefactors. The sponsored students thus receive 300 euros per month: 150 euros from the federal government and 150 euros from private sponsors, i.e. companies, foundations, associations and private individuals.



Daniela Szyska
Program Officer Deutschlandstipendium
Tel.: 0561 804-2251
E-mail: daniela.szyska[at]uni-kassel[dot]de