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03/02/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Top ranking: Kassel economists very well placed

Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring is very successfully placed in a new ranking "Top Business and Management Scientists in Germany" with 4th place of the German scientists in the category "Business and Management".

Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring. Photo: Uni Kassel

Seuring heads the Supply Chain Management department in the Faculty of Economics (Institute of Business Administration) at the University of Kassel.

The ranking was published by, one of the most important websites for business and management research, which has been evaluating data on scientific articles since 2014. The ranking is based on the so-called H-index. This denotes the number of publications by that scientist that have been cited at least h times. Seuring's publications have been cited nearly 25,000 times to date. With the publications recorded and an H-index of 56 (as of 2021), Seuring is ranked 4th in Germany and 256th internationally (out of 1,357 scientists recorded with an H-index greater than 30). This outstanding result also means that the Institute of Business Administration is now listed in 9th place in Germany.

"This once again proves the excellent reputation the Institute of Business Administration has earned as an educational institution with research-oriented teaching and publication-rich research," Seuring said.

Seuring was already ranked among the top researchers in business administration from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the magazine Wirtschaftswoche in 2021, where he reached 94th place for current publication output over the past 5 years.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring,
FB 07 Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Fachgebiet Supply Chain Management
Tel.: 0561 804-7515
E-Mail: seuring[at]uni-kassel[dot]de