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03/24/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Workshop Talks in Trendelburg: Mobile without a Car in Rural Areas?

The project "Reallabor Nordhessen" of the University of Kassel and the city of Trendelburg takes a look at the individual mobility decisions of citizens and deals with the challenges of the mobility transition in rural regions. On Friday, March 25, 2022, and Saturday, March 26, 2022, the central mobility change workshop of the Reallabor will take place in the Kulturhalle Trendelburg.

Image: BMUV.

Fifteen citizens of the small town in northern Hesse are contributing their individual everyday and imaginary worlds to the project. Over a period of ten months, they are working with the University of Kassel and the town of Trendelburg on the question of what needs to happen in order for a complete or partial mobility change away from one's own car and toward new, alternative offers to be lived. The project focuses on the change of mobility infrastructures and offers on the one hand, and on the change of individual mobility decisions on the other hand.

Only the combination of these perspectives makes it possible to advance a transformation of the mobility system in a holistic and sustainable way. The perspectives of the citizens are supplemented by local experts, both from municipal and regional administration and from mobility providers. The cooperation partner of the project is the North Hessian Transport Association NVV.

On Friday, March 25, 2022 (3 p.m. - 7 p.m.) and Saturday, March 26, 2022 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.), the central mobility change workshop of the reallabor will take place in the Kulturhalle Trend elburg in order to develop a common goal and to plan first implementation steps for the Trendelburg region. The workshop meetings are a central building block in the preparation of future work steps and offer insight into the participatory nature of developing joint solutions for the mobility challenges of tomorrow. The organization of the series of events is supported by the Berlin planning office Urban Catalyst. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) as part of the "Future Competition for Sustainable Mobility"/ #mobilwandel2035  .