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04/21/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Network promotes science communication at universities

Science podcasts and researchers tweeting: Science communication has gained in importance in recent years. Under the leadership of the University of Kassel, the five Hessian universities are building a joint network to strengthen science communication. The Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts is supporting the project with 1.25 million euros until 2025.

The Hessian Minister for Science and Art Angela Dorn

"Fear-mongering, manipulation and lies weaken the immune system of all of us, the strength of our democracy. Knowledge is the best vaccine for this - in the form of clear facts, explained in an understandable way. Society needs to understand how science works; at the same time, researchers need to know how to convey their research findings to the public in a way that avoids misunderstandings as far as possible," says Science Minister Angela Dorn. "Their presence in social networks and media is more noticed and valued due to digitalization and due to the Corona pandemic. The aim of the network is to support scientists in becoming involved in important social issues and to provide them with clear tools to do so. In this way, we are strengthening Hessen as a center of science and building lasting structures for successful science communication."

The network is aimed at professors and highly qualified researchers from the profile areas and socially relevant research focuses of the participating universities. In addition to the University of Kassel, these are the TU Darmstadt, the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Justus Liebig University Giessen and the Philipps University Marburg. They are supported by tailored training in presenting their outstanding research visibly to the public in different settings and formats and in reducing uncertainties in dealing with different - especially audiovisual - media.

The project can comprise various work packages and modules, depending on the focus set by the universities' communications departments: In media training sessions, for example, participants learn how to give an interview, present themselves in front of the camera and on social media, or set up their own blog.

The focus of network building is on workshops on science communication. Here, trends and developments can be identified and classified, for example, in local reporting, on TV stations, on social media and on websites, or in the context of political campaigns. The participation of well-known personalities in the workshops makes the project more visible. At the same time, the universities can promote better media qualifications for scientists.

At network meetings, researchers exchange ideas and develop joint strategic approaches and structures for cross-university cooperation in science communication based on their individual experiences.

The Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts is supporting the project until 2025 with 1.25 million euros from the innovation and structural development budget, which is part of the Hessian Higher Education Pact. With this budget, the state of Hessen is providing 83 million euros for special projects to strengthen innovative capacity and structural development, especially for cross-university projects.