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06/01/2022 | Campus-Meldung

"Build Different - Anders Bauen": Conference on the Future of Building

The international architecture conference "Anders Bauen - Build Different" in Kassel on June 16 and 17, 2022, dares to take a holistic look at the future of building.

Circular economies, the call for the common good, dealing with the climate crisis, the emergence of new media and digitalization: almost all domains of architectural activity are redefining themselves. We will have to build differently. But what does a "different" architectural production look like? What models does it follow? And how can they be communicated?

The organizers will discuss this before the opening of documenta fifteen with Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal (FR), Andreas Hofer (CH), raumlabor berlin (DE), Atelier Fala (PT), Bauhaus der Erde (DE), Lacol - arquitectura cooperativa (SP), Ruangrupa (ID) and students from Kassel, Germany and all over Europe, among others. On Thursday evening, the organizers invite you to "Eat Differently" together.

The conference is organized by Kvadrato, a collective of editors of the publications Architectuul, Domus and Volume with the support of the University of Kassel | Architecture, Landscape Planning, Urban Planning.

The conference is recognized by the Berlin and Hesse Chambers of Architects, for participation on both days, with a total of twelve continuing education points. The conference language is English. Tickets are available from 10 to 200 euros (discounted tickets for students from 10 Europ).

June 16 and 17, 2022, University of Kassel, ASL New Building, Universitätsplatz 9, 34127 Kassel.

More information, program, registration and tickets at


Press contact:

Larissa Kaul
University of Kassel, ASL- Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning
Tel: 0561 804-3105
Mobile: 0174 6752584