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07/13/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Annual Report of the University of Kassel 2021 has been published

50 years of the University of Kassel, 50 years as an engine of the region and successful in research and teaching: The annual report of the university for the anniversary year 2021 has been published. It sheds light on the history, present and future of the university in North Hesse.

In the anniversary year, the University of Kassel made a change in the presidency: Prof. Dr. Ute Clement took over the presidency in fall 2021 after six years in the office of vice president. In the interview, she comments on questions of educational equity, modern study programs, a student body that is no longer homogeneous in many respects, or the development of the campus and the challenges to studying and teaching, not least against the backdrop of the Corona pandemic. Because of this, the campus festival planned for 2021 had to be postponed until 2022. Instead, there was a ceremony in the Campus Center at the end of October with greetings from Hesse's Minister of Science Angela Dorn, former university president Prof. Dr. H.C. mult. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, and a keynote speech on the present and future of education by Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger, President of the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and Honorary Professor at the Free University of Berlin. All of these contributions are documented in detail in the annual report. In addition, the annual report sheds light on the 40th anniversary of the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences, on the anniversary exhibition "Wunderkammer modern" in the Kassel City Museum, or the eyewitness interviews with former students, staff members and employees.

However, the Corona pandemic once again presented the university with major challenges, which were, however, mastered well. In the winter semester, teaching could again take place largely in the presence of students, with 50 percent of lecture halls and seminar rooms occupied. A total of 23,699 students were enrolled in the winter semester 2021/22, 3.8 percent fewer than in the previous winter semester. The reasons for the decline have yet to be analyzed in detail.

The total of third-party funds, i.e. the funds raised to finance the university, remains at a constantly high level of nearly 64 million euros and could even be increased slightly again (2020: 63.6 million euros)

The annual report is published with a print run of 300 copies. It is also available on the Internet at Printed copies are available on request from the university's press office: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.



Beate Hentschel
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de