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03/28/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Protest, Criticism, Free Spaces: Exhibition on Actions by ASL Students

Tombstones for the Nordstadtpark, golden VW engines, a huge table and squatted factory buildings - behind them are protest actions with which the ASL student body intervened in the design of the Gesamthochschule Kassel and its surroundings from 1973 - 2003. Starting on April 11, an exhibition presents a selection of protest moments in lively formats and places them in the (urban) social, political, university and ideological context of the time.

Image: George Wenceslas.
This huge table, a fixture in the K10 building, was even signed by Joseph Beuys.

The title of the exhibition "Einmischen ist erwünscht!" comes from "carlo!" from the student magazine "plan-o-phobia" (17/1995) and stands for a culture of active (university) political participation. Beheschta Qadri-Monk from the exhibition team explains: "The students of the time intervened to help shape teaching, university policy and the administration of the GhK. But their protests also testify to the courage and will of a critical and creative accompaniment of Kassel's urban development."

A team of ten students curated the exhibition largely on their own responsibility, supported by Dr. Wiebke Maria Reinert. Everything from the concept, research, selection of the topics shown and design of the exhibition to the organization of the project and the accompanying events was in the hands of the students. Quite a challenge, but one that was mastered well and also offered the students opportunities for development, as Selin Özdogan recounts: "The organization and curation of the exhibition as a student project created space for us to put actions and methods of protest into today's context and to try them out in a new way. With the exhibition, we're also asking for a contemporary culture of protest and encouraging today's students to get involved themselves."

The exhibition was curated by Melissa Schmidt, Lisanne Quast, Benedikt Senft, Beheschta Qadri-Monk, Selin Özdogan, Jana Matar, Haya Nakawa Bou Nasser, Sinan Bilgin, Sarah John von Zydowitz and Vincent Hildenhagen.

"Interference is encouraged!" is one of ten anniversary exhibitions in the series "The Kassel Model 1973-2023. 50 Years of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel." These present the history and profile of the department and map the focus of teaching, learning and research in the three institutes of Architecture, Urban Developments and Landscape Architecture and Planning. They are organized and curated by various departments in collaboration with students. The exhibition series will continue through the summer semester of 2024.

For more information on the exhibitions, their accompanying events, and other anniversary activities:


"Interference is encouraged!"
Protest, Critique, Free Spaces: Actions by ASL Students, 1973-2003
Tue 11 - Thu 27 April 2023
Monday - Friday 8am-8pm
Opening on 11 April at 6pm.

Foyer of ASL New Building
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel