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07/13/2023 | Pressemitteilung

University orchestra plays Beethoven and Debussy

From wild and exuberant to dreamy and romantic: the program of the symphony orchestra of the University of Kassel musically covers many emotions. Ludwig van Beethoven's 7th Symphony and Claude Debussy's "Petite Suite" will be performed at the concerts on Saturday and Sunday, July 15 and 16, starting at 7 p.m. in the Friedenskirche. Under the direction of long-time conductor Malte Steinsiek, the orchestra has been working on the two works over the course of the semester.

Image: University Orchestra.

Beethoven's 7th Symphony in A major is one of his most enthusiastic and cheerful orchestral works. In this composition, whose premiere in 1813 was a resounding success, Beethoven broke with many of the harmonic and formal conventions of his time - something that has contributed to the symphony's fascination to this day and is considered a milestone in music history. According to a book on Beethoven's symphonies, every rock number seems like a lame duck compared to Beethoven's 7th Symphony. Indeed, pulsating, whirling, rumbling and sometimes brute rhythms dominate the piece, whose rousing character is hard to resist.

The "Petite Suite", an orchestral arrangement of a piano composition completed by Debussy in 1889, is completely different. In these short pieces, Debussy captures the leisure pleasures of the Parisian bourgeoisie of the fin de siècle in a kind of impressionistic sound painting: If you listen carefully, you will hear the gentle lapping of waves on a romantic boat trip as well as the swaying steps of lively dancing.



Saturday, July 15, 7 p.m., Friedenskirche

Sunday, July 16, 7 p.m., Friedenskirche

Admission: 15 euros, reduced 6 euros

Kartenreservierung: 01590-5249742