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09/13/2023 | Campus-Meldung

New multifunctional tennis court at the Aueparkhalle

After a three-year planning and construction phase, the University of Kassel's General University Sports Department opens the new multifunctional tennis court at the Aueparkhalle, which can also be used as a soccer field.

The new tennis court at the Aueparkalle. In the foreground, a tennis racket lies on the floor of the court.Image: University of Kassel.
Also usable in fall and winter: The new tennis court at the Aueparkhalle.

To enable the new sports field to be used in the fall and winter months as well, a hard court was chosen for the resurfacing, which is more weather-independent than the previous ash field. Moreover, thanks to applied field lines, it can be used not only as a tennis court but also for soccer.

Back in 2020, after an assessment of the tennis court at the Aueparkhalle, it was clear that the court was no longer playable and urgently needed to be renovated. The ash court had many bumps, which made playing tennis almost impossible. In addition, a defect in the irrigation system meant that it could not be adequately watered for years. In September 2020, the research phase began and various court surfaces were discussed.

Information on the terms of use and court allocation, will be posted on the General University Sports homepage in a timely manner.