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09/27/2023 | Pressemitteilung

Kassel Suicide Prevention Week

In recent years, the University of Kassel has developed into a center for suicide prevention in research, teaching and practice. To accompany the 51st autumn conference of the German Society for Suicide Prevention, students and academics have now organized a Suicide Prevention Week. The aim is to initiate a public discussion on this difficult topic and thus contribute to more successful prevention. Numerous cultural institutions in Kassel are taking part.

"Suicide is still a taboo in our society. Being tired of life and contemplating suicide is still a condition that people have to hide and keep quiet about. Even after a suicide, many loved ones find themselves behind a wall of silence. Yet it is exchange and conversation that can lead to help and support around the experiences of suicidality and suicide," explains Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lindner, suicide prevention expert and Professor of Theory, Empiricism and Methods of Social Therapy at the University of Kassel.

The Staatstheater Kassel is taking part in the Suicide Prevention Week with two performances. On October 10, the play "Super High Resolution" will be performed at the Theater im Fridericianum, which shows in a touching way how similar suicidal people and their helpers can be in their experiences. Readings, such as from the book "Baumschläfer" with Christian Duda on October 7 at the Literaturhaus Nordhessen in the new Palais Bellevue, with Bettina Flitner and her book "Meine Schwester" on October 12 at the Buchhandlung am Bebelplatz and with Lena Biertempel on October 14 ("Leseplatte") enable public discussion about the experience of exclusion, loss and despair. However, suicide prevention services can also be discussed in public talks with professionals and students: on 10.10. in the Servicepoint of Galeria Friedrichsplatz. The Caricatura is also taking part with an exhibition in the Campus Center, Moritzstraße 18 from 11-14.10.2023.

"Public attention can help to make this often hushed-up topic a topic of discussion again," says Lindner. This is why the social work students have planned the Suicide Prevention Week. "We are delighted that we have been able to put together such a varied program with many strong partners from the arts and culture. All of the events offer the opportunity to talk to each other," summarizes Lindner. So that suicidal tendencies will soon no longer be a taboo subject.

The fall conference of the German Society for Suicide Prevention will take place at the University of Kassel from October 12 to 14 for the scientific audience.

You can find all events of the Suicide Prevention Week at:



Hannah Müller-Pein
University of Kassel
e-Mail: hannah.mueller-pein[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Tel.: 0561-804 -32 85