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11/22/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Initial results of the campaign against sexualized violence

A year ago, the university launched a campaign to protect against sexualized discrimination and violence under the motto "STOP THE SILENCE!". On the International Day against Violence against Women on 25.11.2023, the Equal Opportunities Officer, Dr. Sylke Ernst, draws a first interim balance.

Image: University of Kassel.

"The campaign has made a significant contribution to enabling people to talk about sexualized discrimination and violence and has made many people more aware of the issue. We can see this specifically in the increased demand for advice on protection against sexualized violence and the demand for prevention services against discrimination," says Ernst.

"It is also very positive that there are more events on the topic, such as the series of events "Sexualized violence in sport" or the autonomous lecture series of FB 05 "Violence and the body: dimensions of sexualized violence." Awareness teams are also increasingly being deployed at student evening events to ensure good protection against violence.

Information on protection against sexualized discrimination and violence at the University of Kassel can be found at

Further information on the campaign can be found here: