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09/13/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Eiselen Prize for work on food security

The Kassel agricultural scientist Dr. Lisa Murken was awarded the Hermann Eiselen Science Prize 2024 in Vienna yesterday (12. 9.). She receives prize money of 10,000 euros.

Dr. Lisa Murken.Image: fiat panis.
Dr. Lisa Murken.

Murken receives the prize for her dissertation "Land tenure in a changing climate", which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Chistoph Gornott. The fiat panis foundation in Ulm awards the Hermann Eiselen Science Prize every two years. It is awarded for outstanding scientific work that provides findings
that serve to improve the world's food supply.

The work "makes a significant contribution to understanding the important role
of land tenure in the context of climate change and its impact on the adaptation
and resilience of smallholder farmers", according to the foundation. She combines "in an innovative
way household panel data with high-resolution weather data, unique primary survey data and mental models. In a very short time, Ms. Murken has authored four excellent journal articles. Her findings have great potential to enrich the policy debate on the link between land, climate and food security."

In addition to her research in Kassel, Murken holds a position at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.