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10/14/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Success at the adh-Hochschullauf 2024: University of Kassel takes 6th place

As part of the International Day of University Sports (IDUS), the fifth adh University Run took place on September 20, 2024. The University of Kassel did very well, coming sixth overall - out of a total of 85 participating universities.

Runners from behind at the adh high school run 2024.Image: adh

The adh university run, which has been taking place digitally since 2020, is a special challenge in which students, employees and alumni collect as many kilometers as possible in 60 minutes. Every meter run counts not only for the individual performance of the participants, but also for the university. With 54 runners, who together covered just over 448 kilometers, the team from the University of Kassel came out on top against the majority of competing universities. This great success underlines the fact that university sport at the university is not only characterized by sporting ambition, but also by team spirit and commitment.

In addition to the successful ranking, the University of Kassel also received a prize for 6th place: a health day sponsored by Die Techniker, the health partner of the German University Sports Association (adh). This offers a good opportunity to further increase awareness and enthusiasm for sport and health.

The General University Sports team would like to thank all runners from the University of Kassel for their commitment and participation as well as the adh and the partners of the university run for the organization.


Elisabeth Zehe
University of Kassel - General University Sports
Phone: +49 561 804-5255
E-mail: elisabeth.zehe[at]uni-kassel[dot]de