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04/18/2013 | Pressemitteilung

University of Kassel seeks strategic partnerships in Argentina

The University of Kassel is deepening its relations with Argentinean universities. President Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep signed corresponding framework agreements during a trip to Argentina. The cooperation covers teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

"The perspective for building strategic partnerships can be seen as extremely promising," Postlep said. "This applies to joint postgraduate education, curriculum development, but also to concrete research projects in physics, philologies and social sciences, architecture and environmental technologies, among others." This was sealed with the signing of corresponding framework agreements, he said. The University of Kassel is thus setting a milestone in the implementation of its internationalization strategy.

A delegation from the University of Kassel had traveled to South America from March 21 to 30, 2013, holding talks with the Argentine government as well as with seven universities with which extensive exchange and research relations already exist: with the Universidad de Buenos Aires, de San Martín, de La Plata, de Córdoba, de Cuyo in Mendoza, de Litoral and de Entre Ríos. Prof. Postlep was impressed by the high scientific level and the convincing interest in cooperation of the Argentinean partner universities and evaluated the extensive agreement in selected research fields with those of the University of Kassel as a "matching point" for future priority cooperation. Already in May 2013, the University of Kassel will receive the rectors Prof. Dr. Carlos Ruta of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín and Prof. Dr. Arturo Roberto Somoza of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo for further talks.

In talks with the Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT), Dr. Lino Barañao, both sides underscored the profitable internationalization prospects of long-term, strategically oriented teaching and research cooperation, while at the same time integrating knowledge transfer into university-business collaboration. Also present during the visit to MINCyT were Kathrin Megerle, Science Officer at the German Embassy in Buenos Aires, and Dr. Arnold Spitta, Director of the German-Argentine Center for Higher Education (DAHZ). Spitta accompanied the Kassel delegation during their stay in Argentina. The president was also accompanied by representatives from departments and the development planning for teaching, research and international affairs.




Katharina Linke

University of Kassel

Development Planning for Teaching and Research

Department for Internationalization and International Cooperation

Phone +49 561 804 3544

E-mail: linke[at]uni-kassel[dot]de