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11/13/2014 | Pressemitteilung

Master's students give University of Kassel high marks

Master's students rate the teaching staff, the structures of the courses offered and the conditions of their studies at the University of Kassel extremely positively. This is evident from the results of the current Master's survey, which are now available. According to the survey, 61 percent of master's students are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their studies overall.

Only 11 percent of respondents expressed overall dissatisfaction. Students perceive their teachers in particular as predominantly positive: a considerable majority of 69 percent convey content well in the eyes of the students. More than 70 percent of the teachers are perceived as friendly and make study and examination performance clear. The university's support and advising services were also rated positively across the board on average.

When asked about the structure of the courses offered, master's students rated access to compulsory courses, coordination of module content, opportunities for self-directed learning and the ratio of compulsory to elective modules best. In terms of study conditions, the opening hours of the central library, cooperation with fellow students, the range of language courses and the availability of literature scored particularly well. The respondents saw room for improvement especially in available rooms as well as in the time for collaboration in committees.

"The University of Kassel is an excellent place to study successfully - this is now confirmed by the master's students, following the bachelor's and teaching students," comments the university's vice president, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein, on the results. "The survey also shows that we have managed the transition to the bachelor's/master's system very well; and that despite difficult conditions due to the high demand for study places." Hänlein expressed understanding for the students' desire for additional rooms for self-study and group work and for adequate learning spaces in the library. "The planned self-study center, the upcoming dedication of several new buildings and the library remodel will help."

The survey was conducted during the summer 2014 semester. 1,540 master's students participated (40.1 percent). "This is an extremely gratifying rate that makes the results particularly valuable," said Dr. Michael Sywall, one of the survey's project collaborators. The project was financed with funds from the Teaching Quality Pact of the German federal and state governments.

The University of Kassel regularly asks its students about their satisfaction with their studies. It cooperates with the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER). In 2013, the bachelor's and teacher training students at Kassel University had already given a good report, and the master's students have now been surveyed for the first time. The results of the surveys serve to improve studying and teaching and form an important element of the quality management system at Kassel University. A new survey of Master's students is planned in two years.


Graphic (Graphic: University of Kassel) at:
Caption: The vast majority of master's students are satisfied
or very satisfied with their studies.

Photo material under:


The complete study can be found here:




Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de