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05/18/2015 | Pressemitteilung

Digitized documents of the Brothers Grimm accessible worldwide

Numerous letters and other documents of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are now digitally accessible worldwide and for everyone. Among the documents that the Kassel University Library and the Hessian State Archives have prepared, for example, is Wilhelm Grimm's justification for his participation in the protest of the Göttingen Seven.

Excerpt from a letter from Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm to their father Philipp Wilhelm Grimm. Available via:

In order to make the Hessian Grimm holdings more easily accessible for research, the Kassel University Library and the Hessian State Archives in Marburg decided in 2012, on the 200th anniversary of the Children's and Household Tales, to digitize the Grimm family estate held in the State Archives and publish it on the Internet. The most important documents are now available. The results of the digitization were presented to the press today at the University of Kassel.

In addition to scientific and private documents of the Berlin art and literary historian Herman Grimm (1828-1901), a son of Wilhelm Grimm, the digitized collection also contains numerous letters and other testimonies of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, including, for example, the birthday letter of the 4-year-old Jacob and the 3-year-old Wilhelm to their father Philipp Wilhelm Grimm (1789), a report by the youthful Jacob on his lessons at the Lyceum Fridericianum in Kassel (1798), a letter by Jacob Grimm setting forth his views on the importance of constitutions (1837), or Wilhelm Grimm's justification for his participation in the protest of the Göttingen Seven (1837).

The original documents were given to the State Archives in 1947 by Wilhelm Grimm's great-grandson, Marko Plock. In total, there are more than five shelf meters of documents from the period 1698 to 1949.

While the State Archives provided the documents and the associated indexing data, the Kassel University Library (UB), in cooperation with an external service provider, took on the digitization of the written legacy and its presentation on the web. Since the beginning of the year, the approximately 37,000 digitized documents processed bibliographically by the UB Kassel have been accessible both via the online archive ORKA of the UB Kassel and via the archive information system Arcinsys of the Hessian State Archives. A part of these documents is currently already being scientifically processed by the Kassel Grimm correspondence research center.


At the University of Kassel , the first professorship in Germany dedicated exclusively to the life and work of the Brothers Grimm was established in 2012. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm spent their most productive time in Kassel.


Birthday Letter = Letter 5992

Lyceum Fridericianum = Letter 2304

Importance of Constitutions = Letter 2227

Protest of the Göttingen Seven = Letter 2729



To the Grimm estate:*/-/1/-/-/


To the documents of the Brothers Grimm:


Hessian State Archives Marburg:

Kassel University Library:




Dr. Axel Halle

Kassel University Library

State Library and Murhard Library of the City of Kassel

Diagonal 10, 34127 Kassel

Tel.: 0561/804-2117 or -3726

E-mail: halle[at]bibliothek.uni-kassel[dot]de


Dr. Christian Reinhardt

Hessian State Archives Marburg

Friedrichsplatz 15

35037 Marburg

Tel.: 06421-9250-169

E-mail: christian.reinhardt[at]stama.hessen[dot]de