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05/29/2015 | Pressemitteilung

Science Park business incubator opened at the University of Kassel

Kassel has a new start-up and innovation center that will provide important impetus for the development of the city and region. The city of Kassel, the state of Hesse and the University of Kassel officially opened the Science Park Kassel on the university campus on Friday (May 29). The building is already well filled with founders.

The Science Park supports start-ups from the initial idea to establishment on the market. The university, the city and the state expect this to provide additional impetus for the city's economic dynamism and a boost to the transfer of knowledge between science, business and society. Covering more than 6,000 square meters, the Science Park offers office, laboratory and workshop space for spin-offs of the University of Kassel and for companies seeking proximity to the university and to teaching and research. At the official opening, it is already around 60 percent occupied: 20 young companies, founded by graduates of the University of Kassel, have moved in since the building was completed in March. In addition, the Science Park is home to UniKasselTransfer, the management school UNIKIMS, the patent information center (GINo mbH) and the office of Promotion Nordhessen.

The Science Park is owned in equal parts by the City of Kassel and the University of Kassel. The construction costs of around 15.6 million euros were shared by the state of Hesse (around 7.9 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund ERDF), the city (7.0 million euros) and the university (0.5 million euros). Science Park Kassel GmbH is contributing the rest.

Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse's Minister of Economics, said at the opening: "Start-ups are essential for successful structural change. Especially start-ups from universities with their new business ideas in knowledge- and research-intensive fields have the potential to create economic dynamics and high-quality jobs in promising industries. In addition, they often provide important impetus for dealing with social challenges such as the energy transition. The University of Kassel rightly bears the distinction of being a founding university. It has put the legal mandate of universities to promote knowledge-driven spin-offs into practice with exceptional commitment. The region's economy benefits considerably from such an active university. The companies founded by graduates of the University of Kassel now employ around ten thousand people."

Kassel's Lord Mayor Bertram Hilgen said, "Kassel's economically dynamic development is also due to the effects of the university. The Science Park Kassel will reinforce this even further. By promoting start-ups from within the university, additional jobs will be created."

City treasurer Dr. Jürgen Barthel added: "We want to keep as many highly qualified graduates of our university in Kassel as possible by offering them optimal conditions for an  innovative start-up in the Science Park. We are very optimistic that our investments will pay off positively for the city in the long term."

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, President of the University of Kassel, emphasized, "The University of Kassel is a place where creativity and drive are encouraged. At the same time, we see ourselves as a university that is in close contact with society and plays a key role in the development of the city of Kassel and the North Hesse region. Almost all of our spin-offs - we know of around 400 - cooperate with the university in research and teaching. With the Science Park, we are therefore promoting the cooperation partners of tomorrow. Thus, the Science Park is virtually a key element in the development of the university."

Dr. Oliver Fromm, Managing Director of Science Park Kassel GmbH, said, "Kassel's start-up community is getting a new home with this building. The founding teams will find an optimal environment both in terms of infrastructure and consulting, while at the same time the exchange among each other will promote new ideas and networked work. You can feel that there is a special spirit in this house."

Dr. Gerold Kreuter, also managing director of Science Park Kassel GmbH, added: "The Science Park is already a success: there are enough interested parties to rent out the remaining vacant spaces. However, when selecting tenants, we will look for innovative companies that have a close connection to the university. The Science Park is also a sensible addition to the successful work of the FiDT Technology and Start-up Center on Marbachshöhe, resulting in a shared community for Kassel's innovative start-ups. "

Young companies can rent space in the new start-up center for up to five years. There, in addition to offices of flexible size, they will find co-working spaces, an Idea Lab, studios, workshops, conference rooms and a lounge. The building was realized by the Stuttgart office of Birk Heilmeyer und Frenzel Architekten. Construction took around two and a half years.

In 2013, the University of Kassel was named an "Exist Start-up University" by the German Federal Ministry of Economics. It has just under 24,000 students (winter semester 2014/15).


Photos of the opening soon at

Photos of the Science Park at:
Photos: Sönnecken/Uni Kassel.

Video statements from founders at


Dr. Oliver Fromm
Science Park Kassel GmbH
Managing Director
Tel. 0561 804-2734
Email: fromm[at]sciencepark-kassel[dot]de

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961