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07/03/2015 | Pressemitteilung

A presidency as a "success story": Kassel University President Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep bids farewell

With a ceremony in front of more than 700 invited guests, the soon to be outgoing, long-time president of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, was officially bidden farewell on Friday evening (July 3). In doing so, his presidency was described as a "success story". Under his leadership, the university recorded a remarkable development.

At 15 years, Postlep's tenure is by far the longest and Postlep is one of the most formative figures in the history of the university, which was founded in 1971. His tenure has seen several striking developments, including a massive expansion of knowledge transfer to the North Hesse region, the university's strong growth from just under 17,000 students (winter semester 2000/01) to almost 24,000 students (winter semester 2014/15), and the start of the structural expansion of the Holländischer Platz campus and other locations. Postlep (69) will remain in office until September 30, when he will step down for reasons of age. Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, previously vice president of the University of Göttingen, was elected as his successor in January.

"In recent years, the University of Kassel has become a recognized player in the German university landscape and a strong driving force in the region," Postlep summed up on the sidelines of the ceremony. "This is the merit of hard work by all employees of the university. I leave in September with the feeling that I am handing over a well-positioned university." 

Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde called Postlep's presidency a "success story" on Friday, saying he always knew how to set his goals clearly, pursue them tenaciously and win many comrades-in-arms along the way. The great importance that the university now has in the city and region is largely due to this, he said. Addressing Postlep directly, she said, "Thank you, dear Mr. Postlep, for your friendly collegiality and your humanity, thank you for your visions, your sense of reality and so much more that you did for us and our university every day, for 15 years."

In addition to student numbers, external funding, an indicator of a university's research performance, also grew during Postlep's tenure, from just under 14 million euros (2001) to about 53.5 million euros (2014). A 2011 study put the number of jobs in the region created by spin-offs from the university at around 10,000. In 2013, the university was awarded the title "Exist Gründerhochschule" by the German Federal Ministry of Economics for its concept for promoting entrepreneurship. Another study in 2013 certified that the university had made significant gains in the public's esteem in the recent past. In extensive surveys, both bachelor's and master's degree and teacher training students gave the University of Kassel exceptionally high marks over the past three years.

Postlep took over a professorship for general economic policy in 1996. Four years later, he was first elected president of Kassel University. With him, two other members will leave the presidency at the end of September, namely Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde and Vice President Prof. Dr. Martin Lawerenz.


Picture of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep (Photo: Frank/Uni Kassel):

Curriculum vitae of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep:


Links to the studies mentioned:

Surveys on teaching and study quality:


Study on job effects (Beckenbach 2011):


Study on reputation gains (Mann 2013) :




Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de