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04/14/2016 | Pressemitteilung

Series of events of the Universities of Kassel and Paderborn on the "Erkenntnisprojekt Geschlecht. Inter/Disciplinary Perspectives"

How can the social relationship between the sexes be determined? Or to put it differently: How can the category of gender be grasped theoretically and empirically? These and similar questions will be discussed in the summer semester 2016 and the following winter semester in a joint event series of the Universities of Kassel and Paderborn.

At the same time, these questions have occupied women's and gender studies since the beginning and across all disciplines. "Hardly any other field of knowledge has developed so dynamically in recent decades, hardly any other field of knowledge has been so innovative and has so fundamentally questioned and changed the foundations of the disciplines and their bodies of knowledge," says Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein, Vice President of the University of Kassel. "Hardly any other field of knowledge has at the same time been so controversial, because it so fundamentally puts up for discussion everyday knowledge that is believed to be safe and what is unquestionably given in gender relations." Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf, Vice President of the University of Paderborn, adds: "In the meantime, women's and gender studies have become a natural part of the science system and many fields of knowledge and it is impossible to imagine the university landscape without them."

The contributions and effects of women's and gender studies in various disciplines will be addressed by a joint series of events at the two universities, which will extend over two semesters. The event is the result of a cooperation between the presidencies of the two universities and will be organized locally by Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill and Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tuider (University of Kassel) and Prof. Dr. Barbara Rendtorff and Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf (University of Paderborn). In a novel format, renowned representatives of women's and gender studies such as Sabine Hark, Smilla Ebeling, Michael Meuser, Ulrike Lembke or Carol Hagemann-White will initially approach the question of how women's and gender studies flowed into the body of knowledge in the social sciences, philosophy and theology, biology or law and how it changed them, in five events in the summer semester 2016. Further events will follow in WS 2016/17.

What is new about this form of cooperation is that it takes place simultaneously across two regions and locations: In the summer semester 2016, with one exception, the events will be present at the University of Kassel and transmitted with technical aids to the University of Paderborn; in the winter semester 2016/17, it will be the other way around. Sabine Hark will open the series of events on April 21, 2016 (4-6 p.m.) with a lecture on the topic "A Question to and for Our Time - Disturbing Gender Studies and Symptomatic Misunderstandings" in Campus Center Lecture Hall 4 at the University of Kassel.


The other events will take place on May 12, June 09, June 30 and July 07.

The complete program can be found here



Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961