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01/08/2018 | Pressemitteilung

Physicist from Kassel leads European doctoral network on quantum physics

A physicist at the University of Kassel is coordinating an international network of PhD students in quantum physics. The network "Quantum-enhanced Sensing via Quantum Control (QuSCo)" of Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch is funded by the EU with almost 3.9 million euros.

The training network involves 13 other European partner institutions, and the EU is funding the program as part of its "Horizon 2020" excellence funding. Prof. Koch prevailed in a highly competitive application process; the award can be seen as a great honor for the physicist from Kassel and the colleagues involved.


In the network, 15 PhD students will work on the theoretical foundations as well as the practical implementation of quantum sensors in atoms, color centers in diamond, and superconducting quantum circuits. QuSCo also aims to develop a guide for European doctoral training in quantum technologies. The network will be funded with a total of 3,881,935 euros for the period of four years, of which about 800,000 euros will go to the University of Kassel.

Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch has headed the Department of Quantum Dynamics and Control at the University of Kassel since 2010. Among other things, she is a member of the Senate Committee on Competition of the Leibniz Society.