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04/16/2018 | Campus-Meldung

University of Kassel wants to reduce paper consumption

The University of Kassel wants to significantly reduce paper consumption in its libraries. Starting Monday, April 23, user computers and print and copy stations at the university library's six locations will default to double-sided printing and copying. In addition, paper towel dispensers in restrooms will have stickers encouraging economical paper use. The stickers have already been installed in LEO as a test. These plans implement two projects from the "Ecological Sustainability" ideas competition held by the University of North Hesse.

The changeover of user computers and print and copy stations in the UB will begin on April 23 and is expected to be completed by April 27. Those who still want to print or copy on one side can simply change the settings.

The "Ecological Sustainability" ideas competition was held last summer semester. Students David Thierer, Frederik Beer and Marcel Werner were awarded first prize in the "User Behavior" category. Their ideas are now being applied in practice. Every year, around 15 million sheets of printer paper and 24 million sheets of towel paper are consumed at the university in North Hesse. The new projects are intended to reduce these consumption figures and thus sharpen the University of Kassel's environmental profile.

The measure is part of the university's sustainability strategy. The aim is to develop all areas of the university into a sustainable organization. Numerous other projects at many locations contribute to the university's sustainability: For example, construction work will soon begin on a photovoltaic system on a roof at the Wilhelmshöher Allee site. 

Further information:

Nathalie Schnell
University of Kassel
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
Phone: +49 561 804-2519